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What is a
What do you think about the animation?
If a body covers unequal
distances in equal interval of time
in a straight line is called non-
uniform linier motion.
Characteristics of uniform linear motion
The trajectory is a straight line or a
trajectory that is still considered

At the speed of the object

changes uniformly (up or
When an object experiences
constant acceleration
Difference between uniform linier motion and non-
uniform inier motion
Basis of difference Uniform motion Non-uniform motion
definition When an object moves When a body moves with
along a straight line with a change in speed or
a constant speed direction

displacement Makes the same Covers uneven distances

displacement in equal in equalintervals of time.
intervals of time, however
small the intervals be.

Nature of average speed Same as the actual Different from actual

speed of the body speed of the body

Rectilinier motion Acceleration is zero Acceleration is constant

Distance-time graph A straight line A curve
Horizontal Throw up
linier motion
vertical Throw down

Free fall
Horizontal motion
Upward vertical motion
The vertical motion
away from the center
of the earth has an
initial velocity, and its
acceleration is the
acceleration due to

• What is an example of Upward
vertical motion?
Downward vertical motion
Vertical motion toward
the center of the center
v of the earth which has
initial velocity, and the
acceleration is gravity
of the earth.
• What are an examples of
downward vertical motion?
Free fall motion
It is a downward
vertical (non-
Vo=0 uniform linier
motion) that has no
initial velocity (v0=
. And the
acceleration is
earths’s gravity.
• What are an examples of
free fall motion?
Air resistance
Friction also occurs when objects
move through the air. This called air
resistance. Air resistance is a force
that objects as they move through
Factors that determine air resistance

Air resistance depends on mass, surface area

and speed of object.
Air resistance is more significant with :
oLess mass
oMore surface area
oAt greater speeds
Equation of non-uniform linier

 v vt  vo
a 
t t

vt  vo  at
2 2
v  v  2a s
t o
1 2
s  so  vo t  at
Upward vertical motion
a) Vt = vo-gt
b) ht = vot-½ gt2
c) vt2 = vo2-2gh

Downward vertical motion

g a) Vt=vo+gt
b) ht=vo t+½ gt2
c) vt2= vo2+2gh
Free fall motion

a) vt= gt
b) ht=½ gt2
c) vt2= 2gh
an object is thrown upwards with an initial vlocity of 10 m/s.
Assumig the path is straight, determine :
a. The maximum height reached by the object
b. Time required to reach maximum height
A stone is dropped from the top of a tower that is 40 m
above the ground. If g = , then the speed of the stone
when it hits the ground is...
A marble is initially at rest on a smooth floor, then the
marble is pushed so that it has an acceleration of 2 ms -2,
determine the speed of the marble after moving for 4
At first, Pak Indro drove his car at a constant speed of 20
ms-1. Suddenly, the car braked so that it decelerated 10
ms-2. How far does the car travel until it stops?
A race car brakes at a constant deceleration from 25 ms-1
to 15 ms-1 over a distance of 40 m. The total distance (in
meters) the car has traveled until it comes to a stop is…
Animasi GLBB
Animasi GLBB
Distance-time graph
Velocity-time graphs
Acceleration-time graph

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