Blockchain Technology: Student Name

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Student Name
◦ The technology “blockchain” is a structure that used to store the records of transactions that are
also regraded as block in several database
◦ It is a system of recording information or data which makes it quite difficult to change, cheat or
hack the system.
◦ It is a digital ledger of transactions which is distributed and duplicated across the entire network
of computer system on the blockchain.
◦ Blockchain is an immutable and shared ledger which used to facilitate the recording process
and assets of tracking in a network of business.
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2017 2018 2019

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Literature Review
Kou & Chen (2019) Koolwal & Kumar (2019)

◦ The authors have founded that blockchain ◦ It is an innovative technology which used to
technology highly supports various provide information by exchanging.
industries. ◦ It is an application that varied from
◦ Such as blockchain technology has healthcare, cryptocurrency, risk management,
financial services, education, IoT, border
transformed the traditional methods of
security to public services.
financial industry.
◦ Similarly, blockchain technology effects
◦ blockchain technology impacts the
security, cryptocurrency’s attacks, scalability
financial transactions from a perspective etc., which needs to be considered
of business ethics
Literature Review
Frizzo-Braker (2019) Paliwal &Chandra (2020)

◦ This technology has a strong potential to ◦ It is a technology that provides a

reconfigure the contemporary political, foundation to develop a cryptocurrency.
legal, economic and cultural landscape. ◦ The wider use of this technology has
◦ blockchain technology has a power to resulted in its popularity and possible to
facilitate the functions of government as be involved in various application.
forming coalition and voting etc., ◦ Transparency and traceability are the key
◦ This enables the entrepreneurs to be advantages of applying this technology
involved in the corporate governance to
protect their own interests and rights
Literature Review
Kirbac & Tektas (2021) Weking & Krcmar (2020)

◦ Blockchain is a breakthrough innovation in ◦ Technology of blockchain highly enables

the decentralized technology of various ways of organizing the economic
information. function like reducing time and cost.
◦ Blockchain is facing several issues due to ◦ Technology of blockchain enables the
its concerns for privacy and security, participants to trace continuously the
scalability and cyber-attacks etc., assets and settle down the transaction
Opportunities of Adopting Blockchain
High Transparency It provides an opportunity to not only add a layer of accountability but
also holds sector responsible to act with integrity towards the growth of
the company

Greater Efficiency The technology of Blockchain has a power to remove the need of middleman
in various business processes like real estate, payments etc., that results in
fast transactions

Improved Traceability In a ledger of blockchain, each time an exchange is regarded good in

recording, a trail of audit to trace where the products came from.
Negative Impacts of Blockchain
Privacy & Security High Energy Consumption

◦ In cryptocurrency, blockchain is available ◦ Blockchain requires high level of energy

publicly and each and every transaction power that needs a lot of cooling power
can be tracked to the first block. and electricity.
◦ This raises a big concern for blockchain ◦ Such as Bitcoin by 2020use as much
energy as Denmark.
◦ Although, it offers various ways to
eliminate the environmental issues but the
negative effects cannot be ignored .
Negative Impacts of Blockchain
Immutable Data Health Issues

◦ The network of blockchain can be ◦ Once the data of patients have been put
controlled if the owner has 50% or more into it, it cannot be changed.
nodes. ◦ For example, its leads doctor to
◦ However, when the data is written, it misdiagnose the problem with patient and
cannot be removes apply the wrong treatment
Real Case Implementation of Blockchain
Ford Motors Heren Bouw

◦ The engineers of Ford are engaged in a ◦ Heren Bouw was engaged in applying
project to track their raw material like blockchain at large scale for their development
projects in the harbor city.
cobalt from suppliers.
◦ The objective of project was to set the blockchain
◦ They are making efforts to make it sure to that enable their project management to make
get authentic products to maintain their their building development life-cycle more
quality. effective.

◦ As soon as cobalt is mined, they can get ◦ The entire project was benefited from this
technology as it provides them timely information,
the ledger and Ford will eb able to track
communication, unambiguous and less mistakes.
where it is going
Future of Blockchain
◦ The technology has a strong and a wider potential to drive out a major change and create new
opportunities all across the industries.
◦ It is been believed by many researchers that this technology of blockchain will transform more in
coming years especially in the sector of IT.
• It is been expected that by 2022, only 10% of the business organizations will gain any radical
transformation by using this technology.
• By 20202, at least one of the innovative businesses will built on this technology will worth about
$10 billion.
• By 2026, the business value added by this technology will grow about
$360 billion and by 2030, it will reach about $3.1 trillion.
◦ Conclusively, the report briefly examines about the importance of blockchain technology for
businesses in this contemporary and competitive business environment
◦ It has been analyzed by the above analysis that advance and innovative technological utilization
has become vital for businesses’ success
◦ The sectors like real estate, government, finance, healthcare etc., all are using this technology
to add accountability, transparency and security to their activities.
◦ However, it would be suggested that companies must adopt this technology for their success
and growth but must not neglect its negative consequences.

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