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Mantaha Kishwar
Roll: RH 110
Mariyam Akther Riya
Roll : SN 104
What is Elizabethan Age ?
 This age is named after Queen Elizabeth I who
reigned over England from 1558 to 1603 .
 It was a period of peace between the English
Reformation and the battles between
Protestants and Catholics . Peace was brought
by Queen Elizabeth .
 She was the last monarch of tudor dynasty .
 Symbol of brittania

 Golden age of English History

Ideals of Elizabethan Era
 The Renaissance and the Reformation – A)
Development of Classics and Greek Literature
B) Individualism C) Wordliness
 Humanism
 Spirit of independence
 Adventure
 Rejuvenating of learning
 Houses
 Family
 Clothing and fashion- Sumptuary law, royal people-
purple and red dyes, velvet, silk, gold cloth . B) Poor
people- They wore simple wollen cloths . Men wore
boots, pants, shirt, hat etc. Women wore under skirt
and an outer skirt over it , a bodice the upper part of
woman’s dress.
 Food and drink –large quantities of meat, beef, mutton ,
pork, venison (deer meat) and rabbit. Bread , eggs, dairy
products,vegetables. Drink: wine, beer, ale
 Women’s position in society
 Catholicism
 Protestantism
 Anglicanism
 Witchcraft
 Christopher Marlowe
works as a spy
Political Atmosphere
 Government and politics operated at three
levels – At the National level, at Regional level
and at local levels.
 Parliament – House of Lords and House of
 Mary Scot’s rivalry with Elizabeth

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