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Check list of CVS examination

 Introduce yourself and take consent.

 Exposed the chest and place patient at 45º.

 Assess the patient general condition and surrounding.

 Examine hands (dorsum and palm).

 Check radial pulse ( rate , Rhythm, Volume, ,Character , Synchronicity,

Radio femoral delay and Collapsing pulse).

 Assess brachial pulse .

 Examine forearm and check BP.

 Peripheral pulses.

 Examine face, eyes ,mouth

 Examine neck (JVP, Carotids)

1. Scars 2. Deformities 3. Visible pulsations.
Palpation :
1. Apex site 2. Character 3. Thrill4. left parasternal heave.
1. First and Second heart sound.
2. Added sounds (Murmurs, Third and Fourth sounds, Pericardial
Auscultate lungs for heart failure.
Check sacral oedema.
Examine abdomen (liver,spleen)
Examine lower limb for oedema.

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