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Stage 1:

An Ethical Approach
Ethics, appeals to norms that are
create in the social framework of the
human being, as a basic element to
align the behaviors of all the people.
1.1 Field and Object of study of Ethics
It investigates the sense and the attitudinal structure that precede any action
undertaken by the human being.

It is shaped in the
deliberated space It uses a
It’s a branch of where the different It allows us to clarify
systematic and
Philosophy. Ethics studies the reflections and
objective method what are the
situations of inclinations of people circumstances that
with respect to a to express its
predicaments in Rational: motivate human acts,
question, assessments. allowing us to
which human beings It resorts to a
are involved, or circumstance or understand the set of
scenario are reason. values that
dilemmas in which a
person must assume expressed. strengthen, develop,
a position or build human
decision. consciousness, and
internalize it.
1.2 Ethics, Morals and Norms

01 Ethics
From the Greek ēthikós whose root is ethos
which means “custom”.
“Custom” expresses the repetition of conscious,
non-mechanical human actions.

02 Moral
From the Greek root mores that alludes to the
habits composed of the behaivors of men and

03 Norm
It comes from the Latin word norma , which
refers to the criteria that guides the behavior of
human beings.
Legal Norms
There are the laws that regulate the activity of people to avoid conflicts
between peers.
 The Constitution, the different regulatory laws in different areas as
social life, health, labor and environmental laws.

Social Norms
Norms that normalize the behavior of people in
explicit context of social life, according to the
prevailing and approved social customs and opinions.
 Dressing codes, how social groups are conformed in
Religious norms Technical Individual
These norms determine
the behaviors of a norms ethical norms
person based on the Rules governing the Norms that guide
belief of an eternal and work of people in their people to good; they are
transcendental being. respective technical and distinguished from
 Judaism, Buddhism, professional branches. other norms by their use
o Medicine, of freedom, and the
Christianity, Engineering. Law. exercise of will and
Hinduism. Pedagogy. discernment.
1.3 Moral Act, Morality and Moral Responsibility.
Human act.
It is the application of a human habit using conscience, freedom,
values, sensitivity and responsibility.

Moral 2001 Immoral 2002 Amoral

When it is preceded by It is the result It is executed by a

goodwill, when it preceded or motivated person without any
meets the standards by ignorance, passion, moral sense.
previously accepted by fear or violence.
society, it is conscious.
- Negative implications - Children behaviors
- Opposed to the norms - People suffering mental
It must be DONE. definciences or disorders.
For the purpose of this study:

I. We divide the III.

elements that The means by which
The reason why
integrate a moral the act is executed and
the act is carried
act into three the intentionally of this
out. act.
Mercury is the Jupiter is a gas
smallest planet giant

The purpose of
performing the
There are other guidelines that clarify the structure of the moral act. This
structure is distinguished by having eight elements that consider the

1. Moral subject of the moral act, that is, the person who has a moral
conscience and who is in certain social and environmental circumstances.

2. The reasons and purposes of the moral act are what drives us to pursue an
end or carry out an explicit act.

3. The awareness of the consummation of the moral act, refers to the

visualization and anticipation of the results that are intended to be achieved
with the moral act.

4. The decision in the moral act is a

peculiarity that bestows the moral act of
autonomy and will.
5. The choice in the moral act is the result of a decision made by the moral
subject within the framework of the moral act.

6. Means to perform the moral act are the resolutions or determinations

made by the moral subject to consummate the act and achieve his objective.

7. The result of the moral act is the consequence of the carried out moral

8. The circumstances of the moral act refers to the

situations or realities in which the moral subject is and
that lead to the execution of the moral act.
2. The analysis 3. A
of the facts declaration
1. Observation
according to with respect
of the action to
the normative to the
be evaluated
frame of evaluated
reference act.
1.4 Moral life, Incidence in the different contexts, and
moral dilemmas.

A moral dilemma alludes to the decision making before

different alternatives.

The moral dilemma is any situation in which

morality is involved.
1.4 Moral life, Incidence in the different contexts, and
moral dilemmas.

The moral dilemma is any situation in which it is not known

what is appropriate or inappropriate.
1.4 Moral life, Incidence in the different contexts, and
moral dilemmas.

The moral dilemma arises when a person must take a decision within
the framework of “right thing to do”, in the face of two more
dilemmas that can be followed.
1.4 Moral life, Incidence in the different contexts, and
moral dilemmas.

The moral dilemma is exemplified when, from a moral perspective, a person has an
obligation to perform two acts, but cannot perform both acts at the same time.
1.5 Ethical Theories
Ethical Theory
There are the positions that contain different
fundamentals that explain the behavior of a person.

Cognitivist ethical theory

The moral assessment is carried out through human

Non-cognitive ethics theory

It carries out the assessment of the human act
without mediating human thought.
1.5 Ethical Theories
Cognitive Theories

Eudemonism Eudemonism
Utilitarianism Legal Ethics Ethics of duty
• It supports individual
It was proposed by Aristotle Its most noted exponent was “Ethical ethics”. It was
freedoms or guarantees.
understanding that the John Stuart Mill, who proposed by Immanuel
human being is intended to proposed to maximize social Kant in the eighteenth
live or behave well. utility in terms of • It maintains that each century, and postulates
cost/benefit. This person can legitimately that the end of every
To achieve happiness
theory seeks the greatest build his own life, as long human being is to act at
requires knowledge and
welfare for as many people as as he respects the limits all times in accordance to
awareness in decision established by socially
possible and also privileges the performance of duty.
making. the quality of life above the determines norms and
regulations of justice.
sacredness of life.
Legal Ethics
Political rights Solidarity
Participating politically, having Every human being has the right of healthy
the freedom to associate. environment.
(Nineteenth century) (Promulgation of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights in 1948)

First generation Second Third generation Fourth

rights generation rights rights generation rights

Concern to each Social and economic

person nature

Physical freedom, Each individual has the

freedom of right of decent work,
expression and education, social security
conscience. and housing.         

Emotivism Prescriptivism

David Hume Bible, Koran

• Accepts that axiological
judgements, emanating from the • It establishes guideline for moral
assessment of a fact, come from discernment, by indicating that
people’s particular emotions. every statement contains an
imperative or ordinance
• People intend to persuade or prescribes a statue, rule or rule,
attempt to infuence others in order which must be complied with,
to have their same valuations, taking on a universal character.
without using any reasoning in
1.6 The values
Elements that allow us to have an attitude and
direction to human existance.

The discipline of philosophical order that studies values is known as

“axiology”, also called “Theory of values”.

 The qualities that distinguish values are five and are the following:

I. The lack
The values are II. They have no IV. They have
not tangible and space. polarity.
III. They have V. They are
therefore are As the values are Values express
no size. hierarchical.
abstract, so it abstract aspects opposite
Values are not The values have a
allos them not to and not properties or
numerically scale that denotes
depend on time. physically real, conditions, which
quantifiable. a priority range.
And they do not they occupy no flow in opposite
change with their place in space. directions.
In the framework of the hierarchical categorization of values, the best known is the
classification of Max Scheler.

1. Values of the
2. Vital values.
They are those that 3. Spiritual values.
Are those that are
express to us delight Beauty or ugliness,
limited to the 4. Religious values.
or anguish, perfection or
condition of the They refer to the
satisfaction or imperfection, honest
person as healthy or sacred or profane,
dissatisfaction, or dishonest, fair or
sick, vigorous or divine or demonic,
efficacy or unfair, blessed or
weak, strong or holy or sinful.
fruitlessness, joy or malicious, truth or
weak, corpulent or
sadness, happiness falsehood.
or bitterness.
1.7 Universal Ethical Principles
A series of ethical premises that contribute to world peace.
Principle 3. Principle of 6.Principle of
freedom, the three levels
responsibility and of morality.
1. Principle of the 4. Principle of 7. Principle of
common origin of reciprocal individual
humanity and the interactions or “law purpose and
moral order of the of giving and purpose of the
universe. receiving” whole.
2. Principle of 5. Principle of moral 8. Principle of
dignity and development through progressive
equality. three stages. elevation of
human value
1.7 Universal Ethical Principles
A series of ethical premises that contribute to world peace.
9. Principle of progress through cooperation focused on a common
10.Principle of order

11. Principle of meaning

12. Principle of the three great goals or universal aspirations of

1.7 Universal Ethical Principles
A series of ethical premises that contribute to world peace.
Principle Characteristic Example

1. Principle of the It details that the cosmos, Matter and mind

common origin of humanity or the gods that are based on a
humanity and the moral were created, start from an single essence of
order of the universe. energy that the universe vital character,
designed in the first which we
instance. commonly call life.
2. Principle of dignity It refers to each individual Every person is
and equality. which coexists on the unrepeatable and
planet and who bears a unique.
dignity that is shared
equally among all human
Principle Characteristic Example

3. Principle of All human beings need to make use of We can observe in

freedom, their freedom, and express their full our rational capacity,
responsibility and creative potential within the our capacity, for
creativity. framework of the responsibility that intentionality and
this freedom entails. autonomy to act.

4. Principle of All people are made to coexist with Life as we know it is

reciprocal each other, also with all creatures and the product of a series
interactions or events that arise around them. of processes of
“law of giving and reciprocal
receiving” interactions, of which
are often unaware.
5. Principle of All people go through three inexorable When you have reached
moral periods in their life: childhood, youth and adulthood and a family
adulthood, which must be accompanied by a has been formed, a father
moral perfection in which three stages are or mother learns to value
through three recognized, which are formation, growth and and sacrifice for the
stages. moral maturity. children without
expecting anything in
Principle Characteristic Example

6.Principle of the For a person to develop morally and • Morality of

three levels of reach maturity as an adult, it is authority
morality. necessary to have gone through • Morality of
previous stages. reciprocity
• Morality of
unconditional love
7. Principle of All people, like the rest of living All creatures in nature
individual purpose beings, share universal plans. including the human
and purpose of the being, fulfill three
whole. essential functions that
give them a sense of
8. Principle of Human beings are essentially unique because Mahatma Gandhi
progressive of the simple fact of our human condition, His actions had great
and this condition can be taken to a much moral notability in the
elevation of human
higher level when we deal with other people’s world, to such an extent
value problems and serve interests outside their that he achieved Indian
own. independence from the
British regime.
Principle Characteristic Example

9. Principle of This affirms that all progress of human society The fact that every
progress through and of life in general, responds to the living being in nature
harmonious relationship that occurs when
cooperation offers its vital
recognizing the interdependence among all
focused on a living beings by cooperation in common goals condition for the
common and shared interests. benefit of other
purpose. members.
10.Principle of It is necessary to create both a legal and We observe it in the
order a moral order, quite similar to what we respect between the
members of a family, when
recognize in natural and universal
the children are
characteristics. subordinate to the parents.

11. Principle of It refers to the balance that must prevail Profess and multiply a
meaning between the mind and the body in every universal love.
human being.
12. Principle of It emphasizes that every person is To achieve “moral
the three great predestinated to carry out three maturity”, build a
goals or fulfillments in his life. “family united by
aspirations of love” and “preserve
1.8 Conclusions

Ethics Morality
It is a part of Philosophy, it is It establishes the model that regulates the
humanistic in nature. behavior of a collective or individual,
whose purpose is the formation a
virtuous society.
Moral and Norms Ethics
The difference is that “Moral” It uses reflection on the act to be assessed,
refers to the act performed by a and for this there are different
human being, which is philosophical currents called “Ethical
established by “Norms” that set Theories”.
behavior criteria.
Learning Evidence Stage 1
The case study report.
Learning Guide page 40 and 41.

First Third

Read the information from your Check the information about the case and analyze:
text book about the ethic theories
and values (page 11,12,13, 14) • The ethical, legal, technical, environmental, social perspective.
and highlight the most important (Norms)
• Which is the theory that best matches the case? Why? Give 3
Organize the information, use a reasons and explain.
scheme, diagram, mind map.
(Identify the most noted • Write the elements that influence the case: economic, political,
exponent, description and technological, government regulations, legal, demographic.
example of the ethical theory)
• Identify the values in the conflict between the characters involved.

• Draft a solution proposal for the case.

Teams organization (Cases)
• Case 1: Environmental Pollution in our society. (p.44)
• Team 5 (Alfredo Luna)

• Case 2: An environmental problem (p.46)

• Team 4 (Paulina Garza)

• Case 3: The ethical drama of biotechnology (p.47)

• Team 3 (Mónica García),8 (Valeria Tirado)

• Case 4: Ethical environmental and cultural dilemma caused bay

the oil industry. (p.49)
• Team 2 (Melissa Cantú) ,7 (Gisselle Sánchez)

• Case 5: Hydraulic cracking to extract natural gas (p.52)

• Team 1 (Ángel Alvarado) , 6 (Alan Rodríguez)

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