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Covid 19 SOPs & the “New”

Dr Vinay Aggarwal
MBBS,MS(orth),DNB(orth),MNAMS,MRCSEd, FRCS(trauma & orth)
Lead Sports Doctor
Sports Authority of India
• Background

• Learning Objectives :
– Understanding the disease & its transmission
– Revised guidelines for home isolation of mild covid19 patients
– Guidelines for disposal of bio-medical waste during covid 19
– Guidelines for disinfection of common work places & offices
– SOPs for covid care quarantine facilities
– Minding our minds during covid 19
– Return to Sports & the “New” Normal
• References
• On March 11,2020,
World health
declared covid19 as a
pandemic .
• Caused by a virus of
coronovirus family
named SARS –cov2
Positions to manage Breathlessness
Revised guidelines for RTPCR testing
• Confirmation of covid
positive case is by RTPCR
• Ending of home isolation :10
days after 1st day of symptom
or 3 consecutive days
without fever.
(No need for doing a repeat
RTPCR test )
• No RTPCR test required for
interstate travel
* ICMR advisory 4.5.2021
Disinfection protocol
• Though the virus survives on environmental
surfaces for varied period of time, it gets
easily inactivated by chemical disinfectants.
• Most potent chemical disinfectants :
1% Sodium Hypochlorite

Sanitizer with atleast 70% alcohol (for metallic

High Contact surfaces
• Elevator buttons
• Handrails / handles and
• Pen & peper
• Door handles
• Physio beds & equipments
• Intercom systems, equipment like telephone,
printers/scanners, and other office machines
should be cleaned twice daily by mopping with
a linen/absorbable cloth soaked in 1% sodium
SOPs for Bio medical waste
Biomedical waste at Quarantine Centers /
Home-care comprise of :

• Used syringes,
• Date expired or discarded medicines,
• Used masks/gloves and PPE kits
• Misc : drain bags, urine bags, body fluid or
blood soaked tissues/cotton, empty
ampules etc.
Minding our minds during covid 19

News of spread of
Covid 19 from all
Mental & social issues during pandemic &
 Fear

 Anxiety

 Grief

 Isolation
Minding our minds : Remedy
• Knowledge is power :
• Access & trust only reliable sources (govt/ICMR/AIIMS)
• Do not believe or spread unverified news

• Nutrition & exercises

– Healthy diet & plenty of oral fluids

– Simple indoor exercises to stay fit & avoid negativity

Minding our minds: Remedy
• Practice covid “appropriate”
behaviour at all times
including being at home
Minding our minds : remedy
• Positivity
• Hope
• Sharing our resources
• Helping each other

• Mental Health helpline

number : AIIMS, new
delhi (080-46110007)
The “new” Normal
“New” Normal culture
 Medical Testing
Covid19 passports : Athletes & staff may be
required to undergo regular testing for COVID-
19 or be required to present certification of
fitness (Arogya setu app)
New Normal work culture
Think Hygiene at all
The “ New” Normal
• Technology 
Non contact thermometers : All athletes & staff
will be required to check temp. everytime they
enter the games venue
Automatic sensors for doors at offices & stadia( if
not fitted, then better keep doors open)
Restriction on physical meetings & emphasis on
Zoom meetings
Air driers & sensors in taps : No contact air driers to
dry hands & taps with sensors will need to be fitted
at games venues .
“New” Normal work culture
Work Practices 
Strategies to reduce staff numbers to avoid
 Remote working : Online training in sports
 Staggering working hours
Staggering Break times

* The above are recommendations adapted from mohfw

but have not been approved by sports authority of india
Special considerations for Paralympians

• The 2 metre distancing protocol is waived off

for disabled persons who need special

• Mask can be temporarily removed for

speaking to persons who rely on lip reading

Source: Japanese Olympic handbook

“New” Normal work culture
Bio-Bubble concept
• Invisible shield to host
sporting events

• A safe & secure

environment that can
only be accessed by a
certain set of people.
Bio- bubble
• Red Zone :
– RT-PCR negative player enters the bubble wearing
a bluetooth band
– The band beeps when any person comes in close
proximity of the player.
– Band fitted with an RFID tag for contact tracing
any person who tests positive for covid19.
– Red zone is severely restricted to allow only entry
of players & coaches.
• Orange zone: This zone consists of media
professionals & support staff . They are not
allowed to come in proximity to red zone. All
reporting is through electronic means

• Green zone & Tempered bio-bubble concept :

Medical team controls the bio-bubble from
outside through electronic means . The immediate
exit of any infected staff from bio-bubble is
monitored & regulated through green zone team.
Challenges ahead
Challenges Ahead
• Consent & Privacy concerns
In terms of tracing contacts, administrators would be
advised to trace & isolate contacts. There is no
consensus yet on the most effective way to trace and
isolate staff & athletes exposed to COVID-19 while
protecting their privacy and this is an issue that
requires clarification
Challenges Ahead
Health Insurance
• SAI being an autonomous body under ministry of
sports has no formal health or covid insurance
applicable to central & state govt. employees
• No entitlement to any cashless CGHS benefit post
• There is no clarity on reimbursement of health
expenses incurred due to illness in course of
performance of duties.
• Contractual staff: No health benefit whatsoever
Contact vs Non contact sports ?
Thank you

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