Continuous Sports Professional Development (CSPD)

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Continuous Sports Professional Development

(CSPD) Program for Scientist

Read one, Teach many, Upgrade All

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

term was coined by Richard Gardiner of York University in 1970’s
and aims to learn from courses and ‘learning on the job’.

CPD Models:
There are several models like Lieberman Model (1996), Kennedy
Model (2005) etc, but are academic based and not sports specific.
However, basic structure has been taken from these models.

We aim to adapt CPD models used internationally to create a

Continuous Sports Professional Development programme (CSPD).
AIM & Objective
Knowledge & skills are not static but tend to decay over time if not put to constant use .
CSPD aims for continuous improvement in professional skills and knowledge of sports
scientists, beyond the basic training initially required to carry out the job.

To maintain a high standard of knowledge & skills & to maintain it in a dynamic state. To
meet the dynamic complex demand of sports eco system it is important to constantly
challenge the scientific mind for constant endeavour to upgrade, adapt & propagate

To provide a robust self-surviving dynamic (Coaching) learning eco-system to maintain

standards at par with international levels.

Application of the accrued knowledge for ultimate performance enhancement in sports

Training vs Development
Training is formal and linear. It Development is an ongoing formal &
deals with learning how to do informal process empowering the sports
something specific, relating to skill scientist to apply their training for sport
and competence. Each sports specific development .
scientist is appointed for a It involves progression from basic
particular role based on their basic know-how to more advanced, mature or
training & degree. complex understanding of game specific
nuances & fitting their role in sports

• CSPD embraces the idea that individuals aim for

continuous improvement in their professional skills
and knowledge, beyond the basic training initially
required to carry out the job.
SMART strategy
• Be precise about what you are going to achieve.
• Quantify your objectives.
• Scientists to be accountable for the content
• Relevant to athlete, coaches in approved events
• Activities designed & presented upto date with current time & standards.
The CPD Cycle
Feedback by CPD panel on
change to practice?
Further development

Evaluation Planning
Points earned by CPD Planning CPD activity based
activities on sports

Executing the activity:
Presentations , on field
education , journal clubs
Circle of Science for Sports
S&C expert

Anthropometrist Physio

Physiologist Athl ete Biomechanist
Coach Athl
ete Coach

Biochemist Nutritionist


Athlete centric, coach driven, sports science supported

Defining the Sports Scientists : Target group
Sl. no Scientific Field No. of Scientific staff
1 Doctors 8
2 Physiologist 33
3 Psychologist 9
4 Physiotherapist 58
5 Strength & Conditioning 53
6 Biomechanics 4
7 Nutritionist 26
8 Biochemist 3
9 Anthropometry 26
Total 220
Total (excluding senior scientific staff) 200
Proposed CPD activities
I. Standards based sports science Presentations/talks (weekly/biweekly) :

Standardization of the talk layout :

 Game specific impetus

 Pattern / plan of talk

 a simplified “take home message” for scientist of diverse backgrounds

 Quoting articles from repu ted journals or books of sports science (references) or
input from Experts of the particular sport science (experience)

 Impetus to ‘joint sports scientists talk’ to promote inter-disciplinary coordination,

evaluation and application. Like Physio + S&C, Physiologist +Biochem, Anthro+
Physio+ Biomechanics, Nutritionist+ Biochem etc .

 Prior in-principle approval of talk from CPD panel before presentation to avoid
“poor show”.
Proposed CPD activities
II. Journal clubs:

 Monthly or Bi –monthly : A Sports Scientist to present game specific

related topic of a recognised sports discipline at Olympics, Asian
Games etc

 Presentation to have “take home message” in a simplified manner &

how it could benefit athletes being groomed to achieve excellence
at national and international level.

 Sports Scientist can also present the talk on any topic of interest on
self research data, case studies etc.
Proposed CPD activities
III. On Field Athlete & Coach Education

 Scientist to visit Field of Play for interaction and practical assessment of athletes &

 Sports scientist to visit athletes in their “comfort zone” for evaluation and

 Sports scientists shall visit hostel mess for on site evaluation of nutrition for sports
specific counselling of diet.

 Sports scientist to offer professional input & shall be a valuable aid to coach in
handling “technical”, “psychological”, “interpersonal issues” , “performance
issues”, “family issues”, “gender issues”.
Details of sessions per year- single scientific field
(About 2 talks per scientist )

Specific Field No . Of No of session

Scientific Staff (Single discipline)
Psychology 9 18
Physiotherapy 58 116
Anthropometry 26 52
Physiology 33 66
Bio-mechanics 4 24
Strength & Conditioning 53 106
Nutrition 26 54
Sports medicine 35 35
Biochemistry 3 6
Total Talks 477
Details of sessions per year- multi-
scientific field
Specific Field No . Of Scientific No of session
Staff (multi –discipline)

Psychology 9 Two sessions per month

Physiotherapy 58 About 24 sessions
Anthropometry 26 S&C + Physio
Physiology + Nutrition
Physiology 33 Biomechanics + S&C
Bio-mechanics 4 Biomechanics+ Psychology
Anthro + S&C
Strength & 53 Biochemistry + Nutrition
Conditioning Physio + Nutrition
Nutrition 26
Sports medicine 35
Biochemistry 3
Details of sessions per year – Journal
• About 2 presentations per scientist

• About 350 presentations

Details of Presentations – On Field Job, Case
studies etc
• About 2 activities per scientist

• About 300 presentations

* Activities : can be case reports, presentations

or any other formal/informal talk comfortable
to concerned scientist.
CPD model- Point Based System
Focus on Three Pillars
 Accountability
 Standards based
 References
 Approved by CPD panel

 Transparency

 Objectivity
Points will be awarded by CPD panel for each CPD
Suggested CPD Panel

• Head of CD &T
• Principal/Dean
• Head of concerned Scientific field
• Concerned HPM
• One from Sports Medicine
CPD model Implementation
Proposal on CPD points
• It shall be the responsibility of individual
sports scientist to maintain logbook of
events & obtain points from CPD panel.
• The CPD points as accrued by the sports
scientist (based on the above plan) shall
be part of their Appraisal with the input
from CPD panel.
Criteria for CPD points
• Updating Knowledge
• Ease of understanding & delivery of “take home
• Updating Practice
• Enhancing sports specific subject expertise
• Awareness of current issues and trends in different
sports worldwide
• Imparting training on practical usage of
equipments for high performance sports through
peer reviewed literature.
Maintaining Records of Appraisal

• Formats for keeping record (E-portfolio)

CSPD points of all three activities
Feedback from colleagues
Feedback from coaches /Athletes

• Updating records

• Feedback from CPD Panel

CSPD points

CSPD points for Presentation

Name ……………
Scientific field ……………
Date & topic ……
Attribute1 Attribute 2 (10) Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5
(10) (10) (10) (10)
Sports specific Supporting Take home Delivery of Reference from
relevance/ Video/Pictures / message session international
content graphics books/journals
CSPD points
• CSPD Points for Journal Club
Scientific field
Date & topic ….
Attribute1 Attribute 2 (10) Attribute 3 Attribute 4 Attribute 5
(10) (10) (10) (10)
Quality of Supporting Take home Delivery of Sport specific
journal Video/Pictures / message session correlation &
(Impact factor graphics relevance in
Indian context
CSPD Points
• CSPD Points for “On-Field Education”
Scientific field
Duration & activity done ….
Attribute1 Attribute 2 Attribute 3 Attribute 4(10) Attribute
(10) (10) (10) 5(10)
Athlete Supporting Complexity of Impact of Coach
feedback Video/Pictures problem and Solutions Feedback
E-Portfolio for CSPD points
Summary of point

Name Sports science CPD Activity CPD Activity 2 CPD Activity 3

field 1 Journal club On field
Presentation education&counselling
Evaluate effect of Professional Development:

• Feedback from coaches (anonymous)

• Feedback from colleagues (anonymous)
• Feedback from CSPD panel through quarterly
• Identifying changes needed
• Identifying areas of improvement
Thank You!

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