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BTEC Level 3 in Art and

Design Practice
Predator & Prey
Review of the self planner

By Rachel Bone
This review is being made during the fifth
week of the project. It’s meant to be
compared with the original self planner to
show how my project has changed as well as
what I’ve actually done.
Research: What have I explored
Research Subjects I have looked at & what I have done What did I gain
Visual I have looked into the shapes and textures of beetles. A understanding of beetle structure (specifical
I’ve also observed 1912 fashion and interior design Drugstore beetle structure), gained simple knowledge
of the 1912 aesthetics
Materials / During workshops I learnt how to use cardboard, I’ve Learnt how to score cardboard in different ways to
Media also done a lot of practice with pencils and lightly make different types of corners and rounded shapes, as
explored materials like water colours well as how to enforce bends so the keep there shapes.

Techniques / Created visual interrogation sheets, simple mood Theses have helped me to draw beetle, design Gregor
Processes boards, how to create prospective, explored simple and his room as well as taught me new ways to draw
stop motion animation, the 10 line anatomy anatomy
techniques and primitive head angles during
Secondary I’ve looked into the metamorphosis play and book as By looking into the play/book it give me ideas for how
information well as who made them and there influences. Did to draw the projects which influenced the artist I
influences sheets of Caroline Leaf and Piranesi. I’ve looked into. By researching beetles I found a type of
researched a hand full of beetles and there behavers. beetle that fits the story perfectly
I’ve also had some quick glances at animators and
diorama artists.
Ideas and Concepts: What have I explore
Original Idea: Current Idea:

The original metamorphosis idea was to create an The current idea is to create a
mask or costume based around the Gregor's metamorphosis/storyboard type sheet based on the
transformation. transformation and isolating feelings Gregor are
going through.
Creating a mask was slightly explored during the
mask making workshop, but doing that work shop This lets me keep the transformation focus from
made me realise that though it was a good idea I the first idea and add a isolation theme plus I can
wouldn’t enjoy it. To me this also suggested that I keep the collage of quotes idea from previous
wouldn’t have fun creating a sewn costume either. concepts that lead me to this one.

More about my Ideas transformation is in my notebook, I have noted down its changes and the reasons
behind them.
Technical Skills: What have I explored
Skills How did I explore this skill How I could of explored further
Mask making During the mask making workshop I explored making a Could of used other materials like clay or papier-
cardboard mask, I did different scoring techniques, learnt mâché, tried to find a way to make the horns and
how to enforce bends and created a paper prototype used secondary resources to learn how to make a full
before the final cardboard version. cover mask.

Animation During the animation workshop I made a quick stop Try out other materials like the paper or a different
motion animation based on one of the metamorphosis clay, use secondary sources to learn how to make
scenes as well as helped with a chalkboard animation. smoother animation and just practice the technique.

Perspective Started with what was suppose to be a mood board but Drawn more perspective as well as attempt more
drawing the door and widow didn’t fit the perspective. After that challenging views, researched ways to draw them as
piece I did a page of perspective drawing, I drew 1 and 2 well as used physical objects or taken my own
part perspectives. On my Piranesi sheet I practiced the photos to practice
way he created perspectives

Drawing During this project I’ve tried different art styles, practised Do a sheet that explores how to use my pencils,
with my limited amount of pencils (6H, 7B,10B & 12B), researching different drawing techniques like how to
learnt new ways to draw anatomy and practiced drawing shade drawings and the different ways to do it.
heads at different angles.
Professional Practice: organisation.
Subject What grade do I What have I done, could still do or do next time.
Criterion think I’ve achieved
A1: Merit I’ve done secondary research on the book, the play, different types of beetles as well as artist Caroline
Informing Leaf and Piranesi. I’ve done a lot of visual investigation and I’ve tried a couple different techniques. I
Ideas could do an investigation sheet about my material of choice once I’ve finally chose it.

A2: Pass I’ve wrote about my problems sporadically across my, planner, sketchbook and notebook. I feel like I
Problem could do more, especially when it comes to solutions because I’ve easily wrote about what I’ve delt
Solving with but struggled to asses how I coped and solved them, mostly because I think the work shows it but
writing it down wouldn’t go amiss.

A3 Merit Definitely done quite a bit of medium exploration through the workshops and through practising things
Technical like perspective drawing. But I need to right up what happened during the mask workshop as well as
Skills use the pictures I took.

A4: Pass I haven’t done a lot for this category and I with the time limit I’m not sure if I could research my
Professiona audience but I have at least labelled what I’m making (along with all the ideas that came before it). I
l Practice could try to do a survey in my class to see what others think about it and what audience they think
would enjoy it.

A5: Merit I’ve done a lot of communication about my ideas because I’ve written up every change, I also always
Communica take my feedback to heart and investigate what's been suggested or go with the majority choose when I
tion give out options, my planner also shows what I’ve done each day and what I’ve achieved. If I do the
class survey I will be satisfied with this category
Communication: explaining work
To communicate my ideas and what I’m doing I have chosen to write things down as well as
keep the a daily planner. There are some gaps in this planner but it has helped me to stay on
track and remember what I need to do each day.

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