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Active Directory:

Backup and Disaster

Version 2.0
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and
Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Confidential
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Microsoft Confidential
and Environment

Microsoft Confidential
Go Dos and Environment Improvements

Review the Disaster Recovery options and preparation steps,
and discuss improvements that you can implement in your AD
DS environment
After completing this section, you will be able to:
Determine how you can improve your DR plan and your DR
Determine what to do once you get back to work

Microsoft Confidential
What now?

Now that we discussed disasters and how to recover from

them, you need to do the following:
 Create a disaster-recovery plan
Microsoft can help you by doing an ADRES (PFE Service)
 Create a communication plan
 Document your environment
 Make choices based on business needs
 List the things you need in order to recover from a
 Test, test, test everything periodically

Microsoft Confidential
Group Discussion

Action Item Discussion

 What will you do once you get back to your company?

Microsoft can help you create a Draft DR plan for basic

Active Directory disaster scenarios
 Talk to your TAM about ADRES

Microsoft Confidential
Examples of Action Items

Document Trusts
Document DCs and IPs
Reset DSRM Passwords
Schedule DNSCMD Zone Export Backups
Schedule GPO Backups
Test Tombstone Reanimation
Test Backups
Schedule Full Backups
Start using Dedicated Disk with WSB
Document Domain Local Groups (DLG) membership
Change boot.ini and BCD for SAFEBOOT DSREPAIR

Microsoft Confidential

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