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I can only give this, I hope you like it

i'm sorry I can't give you anything other than this, hopefully one
day I can give more than this.
happy reading and enjoy <33 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Alooo, good morning aa. How’s ur day? Issa good or bad??? Kalau ada yang nakalin aa bilang ke
dedel yaa biar nanti dedel pukul berani beraninya nakalin aa ku, YOU MUST SMILE BRIGHTER
THAN THE SKY YEAA!!!!! I have a little special reminder fwoo you read carefully !!!
 you're strong and you're not weak. erything will be okay, everything hoppened for a reason. you
don't need to rush to know the reason, but as time pass by you will suddenly realize the positive
side from your pain. I know sometimes bad day will come, but remember. it's just a bad day not a
bad life.
 you're loved and so precious. you deserve to be loved, remember that you're loved by many peo-
ple. including me *wink* anddeuu dont forget to sppereciate yourself yYEAHH you're doing well
until now !
 don’t forget to smile bcs your smile it’s sooo cute and very CUTIE
 you’re a great and perfect person for me. don’t this about another people said you’re not great
and perfect.
 keep doing your best you do the best for everyone, especially your parents and me :D
 nd don’t forget to eat and you have to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner. this is so important
thing and you have to remember.
Reminder for your brother.
7 bulann??????????????? WOWOWOWOOWOOWOW

for the first i wanna say, happy anniversary for 7 months. thank u, because has come
and entered my life. thank u for everything, for your attentions, your best support sys -
tem, your positif vibes to me, a reassuring sentence from you, which always manages to
make me smile again and be fine. maaf selama 7 bulan ini dede belum bisa jadi apa-apa
buat aa, masih ga ada perubahan dari diriku yang sewow itu, maaf masih suka nyusahin
aa. i hope, u and i are always healthy, always in a healthy relationship. okay the last last
n last. i'll always love u forever.. mensive

dede beruntung punya aa yg selalu adaaaa dan selalu bantuin aku kalo aku lagi ada
masalah atau something. aku makasii bangettt ke aa karena udh nemenin aku, aku jadi
ga ngerasa kesepian, karena aku punya aa, punya aa yg selaluuu adaaaa di sisi aku, se -
lalu temenin aku kalo aku lg ngerasa kesepiann. walaupun kita virtual, aku tetep berun-
tung, beruntung punya aa, beruntunggggg karena aku diperhatiin sm aa, walaupun vir-
tual. Aa tuh udh aku anggap kayak aa kandung aku sendiri hihihi. stay safe aa, jaga ke-
sehatan aa yaa, kalo aa sakit, gada yg temenin aku, gada yg larang aku ini itu, hehehe
pokonya jaga kesehatan dan makasii udah jadi aa aku !!! i love uu ૮₍ ๑ ˃͈ ꒵ ˂͈ ๑ ₎ა.

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