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A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a

statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

1. The average monthly salary of 15 out of 50 operators is

2. The mean age for 30 out of 50 students is 16.
3. Mean life of batteries before it runs out of line is 14 months.
4. 5 hours is average time spend by 35 students on online
5. The academic performance of selected councilors in one
A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a
statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

1. The average monthly salary of 15 out of 50 operators is

Statistic Sample


A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a
statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

2. The mean age for 30 out of 50 students is 16.

Statistic Sample
A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a
statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

3. Mean life of batteries before it runs out of line is 14 months.

Parameter Population
A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a
statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

Statistic Sample

4. 5 hours is average time spend by 35 students on online

A. Determine whether the numerical value is parameter or a
statistic of a population or sample and underline the word/s.

Statistic Sample

5. The academic performance of selected councilors in one

TOPIC 2. Sampling Techniques, Methods of Data
Collection and Presentation
1. Simple Random Sampling: It is sampling techniques where every
item or person in the population has an equal chance to be drawn
as part of the sample.
Example: Let’s say a population consists of 1000 globe
subscribers. We want to know, how much text each subscriber
sends in a day. A sample of 100 subscribers may be taken. Using
simple random, how are we are going to select 100 out of 1000
subscribers. The procedure is to write their names in a piece of
paper folded and put in a bag or box, After mixing the box
thoroughly, begin to draw or pick names, You have to do this 100
2. Systematic Random Sampling: This technique is slightly different
from simple random sampling. Systematic random sampling is a
technique where an arrangement in a particular manner be made
first and the selection process will be undertaken by considering
every kth member of the population.

Example. We need to arrange first member of the population. Since

we need 100, we may divide 1000 by 100. The quotient is 10. Then
we may use this number to complete the sample by taking every
10th member of the population.
3. Stratified Random Sampling: is a technique where objects or
persons or observations are grouped into mutually exclusive groups
called strata.

Examples of stratified groupings are as follows:

a) Course offerings of PLMar
b) Gender
c) Status
3. Stratified Random Sampling: is a technique where objects or
persons or observations are grouped into mutually exclusive groups
called strata.
Examples of stratified groupings are as follows:
a) Course offerings of PLMar ( 5,000) 100 respondents
45 BSE 1,500 30% 1500/100 *.30
50 BSBA 2,500 50% 2,500/100*.50
4 BSC 700 14% 700/100*.14
1 BSPsycho 300 6% 300/100*.06
. TOTAL 5,000 100%
1) Purposive Sampling:
In purposive sampling, we need to lay down first the criteria or bases for selection.

Example: We want to conduct a study to determine job satisfaction level of

employees of a particular establishment, say a bank. Let us enumerate of the
criteria that we may consider in selecting our sample.
1.Length of Service - An employee must have at least 3 years of working
experience in that bank.
2.Types of employment - The employee must be rank-and-file.
3.Status - The employee must be a married employee.

In the selection process, a prospective element of the sample must meet all the
predefined criteria for selection.
2) Convenience Sampling

It is a type of non random sampling technique where the elements

of the sample are selected at the convenience of the researcher. The
researcher may make use of device or equipment or any instrument or
gadget that will facilitate the selection of the elements in the sample.
Or the researcher may interview any person that he may find in any
3) Quota Sampling

This sampling technique is very similar to stratified random

sampling, The difference is that there is no specific procedure in
selecting the elements in the sample. What is important is that the
required number of sample is obtained. Quota Sampling is less
expensive because it is a sampling technique for convenience.

The next thing to do after selecting the ideal sample size and the
appropriate sampling technique is to gather or collect data. There
are five methods of data collection presented on this topic:

A) Interview Method. Interview is a face-to-face conversation

between two persons called the interviewer and interviewee. It may
be too costly or expensive. It is also demands much time.
B) Questionnaire Method. As the term implies,
questionnaire is an instrument that contains prepared
questions. A question may be structured or unstructured
questions. A structured question is also called close-ended
question. It is a type of question where all the respondents
have to do is just to tick or check from a list of choices the
best of appropriate response.

1. What is your gender?

___ Male ___Female

2. What is your age?

____ 18 - 21 years old ____ 30 - 33 years old
____ 22 - 25 years old ____ 34 - 37 years old
____ 26 - 29 years old ____ 38 - Above

3. What is your Civil Status?

____ Single _____ Separated
____ Married _____ Widow
On the other hand, unstructured question is a type of question
where the purpose is to solicit, ideas or perception of a person. It is
also called an open-end question. Ths question normally begins with
the interrogative pronoun “ WHY”.

Example: 1. Why did you take up Criminology/Business

C) Registration Method,

There are some studies that require records about births,

deaths or marriages. The appropriate method for these types
of data is registration method. To obtain information about
these data.
D) Observation Method. This method is used when we want to
conduct a study by way of direct observation.

Example: We want to know whether a newly discovered medicine will

increase immune system. Using observational method, select a
sample of individuals and ask them to take said medicine for a
specified period of time. Observation method is also used when the
elements in the sample is incapable of writing or talking. The main
purpose is to observe behaviors.
E) Experimental Method.

It is an expensive data gathering procedure to determine

cause-and-effect relationship.

1) Tabular Method: This method using table.

2) Graphical Method. This method using graph.

3) Statement Method. This method using statement to interpret the

given data from the tabular and graphical methods.
Table 1. The Gender of 10 students.

Gender Tally Frequency Percent

Male llll 4 40
Female llll-l 6 60
Total 10 100
How to get the Percent: P(%) = The frequency per category/ total frequency
and the result will be multiplied by 100, to the make the total 100%.
Male: 4/10 = 0.4 x 100 = 40, Female: 6/10 = 0.6 x 100 = 60

Gender Chart Title

Male Female

3 40%

Male Female

Note: Bar graph using the frequency Pie Graph using the Percent
Data Data

The table and graph presented that there are 6 or 60%

of the respondents are female and 4 or 40% of them are
male. Majority of the respondents are female or female
respondents dominated the male respondents.
Table 2 Civil Status of the respondents

Civil Status Tally Frequency Percent

Single IIII – IIII - II 12 60
Married IIII 5 25
Widow/Separated III 3 15
Total 20 100

Table 2 presented that twelve or 60% of the respondents are single, five
or 25% of the respondents are married and three or 15% are Widow/separated.
Majority of the respondents are single.

CIvil Status of the Respondents




Single Married Widow/Separated

Figure 2
Activity No. 3 ( Individual)
1. Choose 1 among the given sampling techniques and
discuss your chosen technique from your sample.
2. Choose 1 or 2 methods in how to gather data.
3. Make your own methods of data presentation:
a) Tabular Method
b) Statement Method
c) Graphical Method
Minimum of 2 to 3 pages

Sampling Techniques, Methods of Data

Collection and Presentation

Name:________________Section: ________
Date submitted: Nov. 30, 2021
Minimum of 2 to 3 pages

Data: 50 senior citizens

Sampling Technique: Purposive and Quota Techniques
Methods of Collection of Data:
Interview and Survey Questionnaire
Demographic Profile ( at least 5)
Methods of Presentation:
1. Tabular 2. Graphical 3. Statement


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