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The 21st Century World

The 21 Century World


“Make or break century”

-James Martin
The 21 Century Culture

• Shrewd – having or showing awareness or

resourcefulness, especially in practical
• Triage – a process in which things are ranked
in terms of priority.
• Shrewd Triage – having a clever awareness
and sharp intelligence in identifying which
needs much attention.
Global Warming
Population Growth
Water Shortages
Destruction of Life in the Oceans
Global Migrations
The 21st Century Learner
21 Century Skills (Siemens, 2006)

• Anchoring – staying focused on important tasks while undergoing a

deluge of distractions.
• Filtering – managing knowledge flow and extracting important
• Connecting with each other – building networks in order to
continue to stay current and informed.
• Being Human together – interacting at a human, not only
utilitarian, level to form social spaces.
• Creating and deriving meaning – understanding implications,
comprehending meaning and impact.
• Evaluation and authentication – determining the value of
knowledge and ensuring authenticity.
21 Century Skills (Siemens, 2006)

• Altered processes of validation – validating people and ideas within

appropriate context.
• Critical and creative thinking – employing standards of thinking,
knowing the box before going outside the box.
• Pattern recognition – decision-making process in defining a problem.
• Navigation of the knowledge landscape – navigating between
repositories, people, technology, and ideas while achieving intended
• Acceptance of uncertainty – balancing what is known within the
unknown to see how existing knowledge relates to what we do not
• Contextualizing – careful consideration of the sitaution.
The 21st Century Skills (Intel Education)
• Critical Thinking - the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to
form a judgment.
• Creative Thinking - A way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh
perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions (which may look unsettling at
first). Creative thinking can be stimulated both by an unstructured process
such as brainstorming, and by a structured process such as lateral thinking.
• Collaborating - work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create
• Communicating - impart or pass on (information, news, or ideas).
• Information Literacy - the hyper ability to know when there is a need for
information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that
information for the issue or problem at hand.
• Media Literacy - encompasses the practices that allow people to access,
critically evaluate, and create media.
The 21st Century Skills (Intel Education)
• Technology Literacy - the ability of an individual, working independently
and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use
technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information.
• Flexibility - willingness to change or compromise.
• Initiative - the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
• Social Skills - any competence facilitating interaction and
communication with others where social rules and relations are
created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways.
• Productivity - the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in
industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.
• Leadership - the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

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