Strategic Marketing PPT Task 01

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Strategic marketing 
• is a method through which an organization
differentiates itself from its competition by
focusing on its strengths to provide better
service and value to its customers.
• In a nutshell, the goal of strategic marketing is
to make the most of an organization's positive
differentiation over its competition through the
consumers’ perspective.
The purpose of strategic marketing
• The purpose of a marketing strategy is to put the focus on the USP of
the product and align with immediate goals. However, there are
several conditions that have to be looked into while devising a
strategic way of creating or re-modelling a product. These include:
• Understanding the habits of the customers and their requirements.
• Analysing what your competitors are offering.
• Knowing the advantage that you as an organisation have in terms of
• Look for emerging opportunities in the market.
• Understanding how well the company can mould itself to the current
market needs.
• Learning how the demand for products and services has evolved over
the years.
(LSBF Staff, 2019)
The importance of strategic
management in business
1. Penetrate the market easily: by segmenting the
market and understanding its current functional value,
a company can find the right footing for its product.
2. Increase reachability :by prioritizing and studying the
audience, a business can connect with the right
demographic./more consumers
3. Create sustainable goals: It generates the right
awareness through specific campaigns, making it easier
for companies to outline and achieve their goals.
4. Regulate resources wisely :Strategic marketing helps
a company use minimum resources with maximum
5. Boost sales: strategic marketing increase prospective
(LSBF Staff, 2019)
Marketing Planning Process
Marketing mix
1. Product – The products Amazon go is making or are in
the pipeline to capture potential markets.

2. Price – Pricing strategy that Amazon go is pursuing in

various customer segments it is operating in.

3. Place (Channels of Distribution ) – Distribution mix of

Amazon go has taken a new dimension with the emergence
of Online Retailing & domination of players such as

4. Promotion (Communication Strategy of Amazon go) –

The emergence of social media and online advertising has
changed the landscape of Amazon go communication mix
and communication strategy.

(LAURA LAKE, 2021)

Swot Analysis

• The four key elements of SWOT analysis are - Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats.
• Amazon Go can use strengths to create niche positioning in the
market, can strive to reduce & remove weaknesses so that it can
better compete with competitors, look out to leverage opportunities
provided by industry structure, regulations and other development
in external environment, and finally make provisions and develop
strategies to mitigate threats that can undermine the business model
of Amazon go.
• So SWOT analysis is very vital in marketing planning process
Porter Five Forces model

1.  Bargaining power of suppliers of Amazon Go - If suppliers have strong

bargaining power then they will extract higher price from the Amazon go.
2.  Threat of substitute products and services - If the threat of substitute is
high then Amazon go has to either continuously invest into R&D or it
risks losing out to disruptors in the industry.
3. Rivalry among existing players – If competition is intense then it
becomes difficult for existing players such as Amazon go to earn
sustainable profits.
4. Threat of new entrants - if there is strong threat of new entrants then
current players will be willing to earn less profits to reduce the threats.
5. Bargaining power of buyers of Amazon go – If the buyers have strong
bargaining power then they usually tend to drive price down thus limiting
the potential of the Amazon go to earn sustainable profits.
Significance of branding• “Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand” (Kotler
& Keller, 2015)
• Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company, products
or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds.
• Branding assist to make genuine connections with consumers.
• Branding assist to generate company reputation
• Branding allows companies to tell their unique stories and shift perception by giving
customers something to believe in.
• It sparks interest, and invites customers to discover, learn about, and establish a
memorable relationship with their brand.
• Branding is about making consumers feel good about supporting a company and
establishing an emotional connection.
• Brand effectively create a lasting impression that helps grow advocacy and loyalty
among customers for the long term.
• Power to attract investors
• Attracts the best talent from the industry.(Employers)
Concepts of ‘brand pyramid

The Brand Pyramid consists of five levels that are aimed at revenue
potential, or optimal turnover. The bottom step of the Brand
Pyramid starts out wide and each step goes upwards to a new level,
where customer loyalty increases.

Customer loyalty is highest at the top of the pyramid, which leads to

the highest revenue potential. The pyramid illustrates the five main
phases that customers go through when they come into contact
with a brand.
Importance of brand pyramid

• The Brand Pyramid is a useful tool in creating a set-up for companies' marketing strategy. It
should be the primary goal of every commercial company to acquire customers on the highest
level of the Brand Pyramid. And, in doing so, to create maximum loyalty.
• The Brand Pyramid helps companies to better identify what their customers’ position is regarding
their product and brand, and to investigate how loyal they are. The higher they climb the pyramid,
the more loyal they are
Concept of Brand positioning
• Brand positioning can be defined as the
positioning strategy of the brand with the goal to
create a unique impression in the minds of the
customers and at the marketplace.
• Brand Positioning has to be desirable, specific, clear,
and distinctive in nature from the rest of the
competitors in the market.
• It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim;
is guided, directed and delivered by the brand’s
benefits/reasons to buy; and it focusses at all points of
contact with the consumer.
why is it so important?

• Brand Positioning ,
1. Creates market differentiation
2. Breaks through the clutter of noise 
3. Makes it easier for people to buy from you
4. Enables you to compete on value (not price)
5. Justifies pricing strategies
6. Amplifies your storytelling, copy, and messaging
7. Makes your design more creative
Concept of Brand management
• Brand management is a function of marketing that uses techniques to increase the perceived value of a
product line or brand over time.

Brand management process includes the following steps:

1. Identify Brand Positioning and Value
The first step in the brand management process is to understand the product and service offering in terms of positioning and brand
value it offers to the customers. This is the foundation for companies as how they want the customers to perceive their product or
service is a part of brand development.
2. Brand Marketing Planning
Brand building is the next step in brand management for a product/service. This process includes creation of the brand by creating
components like pricing, packaging, customer service etc. Also, brand awareness techniques like marketing, branding & advertising
also come under this step. Companies use integrated marketing communications (IMC) to promote its products & services.
3. Measuring Brand Performance
It is not simply important to create brand but to also measure its performance vis-à-vis competitors & other market dynamics. This
step in brand management identifies parameters like brand recall, brand preference, brand recognition etc.
4. Growth & Sustainability
The final step in the brand management process post evaluation is to improve the brand performance to ensure growth and
sustainability. Brand equity is the measure of the quality offered by a product and service.
Importance of Brand Management
• Brand management is a concept adopted by companies &
marketers to create an emotional connect between customers
and their product.
1. There are several benefits of brand management, some of
which are highlighted below:
2. Brand management helps create an emotional connect
between customers and products.
3. Effective brand management helps the business grow as
consumers become loyal and advocate for the products &
services. Customer loyalty further helps boost business.
4. Taking critical and important feedback helps companies
improve based on consumer insights.
5. Brand managements helps companies adapt their strategies
with changing times based on the needs and requirements of
the customers.
6. Tools like brand development index (BDI), help a brand
grow and fight competition.

• Bhasin, H., 2019. Branding .What is a Brand Pyramid? How to build a Brand Pyramid?. , 17
• Kotler & Keller: Marketing Management (2015), American Marketing Association (AMA)
• LAURA LAKE. (2021, January 07). What the Marketing Mix Is and Why It's Important. The
elements of a marketing mix and how to use them effectively.
• LSBF Staff, 2019. Online Learning. What is the importance of strategic marketing in an
organisation?, 20 November.

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