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• TASK 02

• Uber was founded in 2009, in the United States of America

• The vision of the company is to provide Smarter transportation with
fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and
more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and
higher incomes for drivers.
• The mission of Uber is to bring transportation for everyone,
• Uber’s objectives is to provide convenient, inexpensive and safe taxi
The Business Model
• Very simple and the passengers can simply request to hire a cab based
of their choice by selecting the location of the place they are in
• Can select the type of cab that they are looking forward to hire
(Cannon et al., 2014). 

Uber as a globalize company

• It is one of the largest firms in the gig economy .
• Operations in over 900 metropolitan areas worldwide
• Over 93 million monthly active users worldwide.
• Uber has been so prominent in the sharing economy that changes in
various industries
Moral and Ethical issues

What is Moral: relating to the standards of good or bad behavior, fairness,

honesty, etc.
What is Ethics :.
Business ethics is commonly understood as to the system of moral values and
rules and code of conduct applied to business (Jalan, 2005).

Moral and Ethical issues

• Passenger safety
• sexual harassment •Data Privacy
• Social media •Racial discrimination,
Security of drivers
• Environmental Responsibility
• Honesty, truthfulness and accuracy •Health & Safety
Socio cultural issues

• Failing to understand Culture

• Failing to understand Language
• Failing to identify Religion differences
• Level of education
• Customer preferences
• The attitude of the society towards Uber
Uber approach to ensure positive policies of ethics

• Embed good ethical practice into organizational culture

• Management should lead by example
• Effective communication
• Effective whistleblowing process
• Polices and auditing
Uber approach to ensure Maintain workforce diversity

“Diversity and Inclusion isn’t just about

redesigning a single system or a process,
but it’s also about giving people real
developmental opportunities that change
everyday behaviors and attitudes. With
the right actions, diverse teams can
become our single greatest assets
because they are what drive innovation”
Uber approach to ensure Maintain workforce diversity

Committed to bringing in and developing a diverse workforce at all levels of our

organization because it introduces new ways of thinking and brings unique perspectives
to decision-making and problem-solving.

• Emphasize communication: 
• View employees as individuals: 
• Encourage employees to work in diverse groups
• Base decisions on objective criteria
• Be open-minded
Corporate governance

Corporate governance
Corporate governance entails the set of policies and
processes as well as the regulations which determine
the way an organization is administered or
managed (Holton & Glyn, 2006)
Corporate governance
Key participants of Corporate Governance

Participant Contribution
Share holders The owners and investors who provide capital to
fund the business
The executives, managers and employees who run the business day-to-day and implement
the policies and strategies set by the board
The board of directors Which has four primary roles:
• to represent the interests of the owners;
• to oversee and give strategic advice to executive
• to establish policies that support the corporate
purpose; and
• to fulfil their legal duty and act in the best
interest of the company.
Significance of Corporate governance in global organization

• Ensuring integrity and ethical behavior in the company.

• Ensuring that all shareholders are treated equitably.
• Ensuring that the board has sufficient relevant skills and understanding to review and challenge
management’s performance and actions and to provide oversight and advice to management.
• Ensuring full disclosure and transparency to all stakeholders of the company, including the reporting of
financial information.
• Considering and balancing the interests of all stakeholders, including those to whom the company has
legal, contractual, social, and market driven obligations, as well as to non-shareholder stakeholders,
including employees, investors, creditors, suppliers, local communities, customers, and policy makers.
Regulatory requirement of corporate Governance

1. Governance Frameworks
2. Governance Documentation
3. Policies in line with law and applicable regulations 
4. Documenting processes and procedures
5. Effective board reporting
6. Agenda and minutes
7. Director training and board evaluations
8. Subsidiary governance policies
Impacts of regulatory requirements on stake holders in interest

• Ensures corporate success and economic growth.

• Maintains investors’ confidence, as a result of which, company can raise capital
efficiently and effectively.
• Positive impact on the share price.
• Provides proper inducement to the owners as well as managers to achieve objectives
that are in interests of the shareholders and the organization.
• Minimizes wastages, corruption, risks and mismanagement.
• Helps in brand formation and development.

• Holton & Glyn, A., 2006. Investor Suffrage Movement. Financial analysis journal, 62 (6), 15-2.
• Cannon, S. and Summers, L.H., 2014. How Uber and the sharing economy can win over regulators. Harvard
business review, 13(10), pp.24-28.
• Wall, S., Minocha, S., & Rees, B. (2009). International business. Pearson Education.
• André Cavalcante, S. (2013). Understanding the impact of technology on firms’ business models. European
Journal of Innovation Management, 16(3), 285-300.
• Walker Smith, J. (2016). The Uber-All Economy of the Future. The Independent Review, 20(3), 383-390.

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