Housing Shortage in South Korea : by - Soungeu Ryu

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゚・✧ Housing shortage in South Korea✧ ・゚

By_Soungeu Ryu
:+* What is housing shortage :+*
• 'Housing shortage' is the shortage present when there is insufficient
housing to accommodate the population in an area, when the supply
of houses cannot meet the demand.

• There are many countries that have a housing shortage in the world,
and now I'm gonna explain about the housing shortage in South Ko-
:+* Housing shortage in South Korea :+*
• Korea is a rather small country. Also, as people are concentrated in Seoul, the cap-
ital city, the problem of housing shortage is becoming more serious.

• As people gathers in Seoul, they need more and more homes to live in. However,
since Seoul is just a small city, there is not much space to build houses.

• Due to the lack of land, many apartments are built, but the space to build even this
apartment is gradually decreasing and people are losing their place to live.
:+* Pictures about housing shortage in Korea :+*
:+* About the pictures above :+*
• Due to lack of housing, housing prices have increased (especially in

• Rich people can live in abundance at home, but poor people, and
even a few normal people, are homeless or living in poor living

• People also often move to other place to find house to live in more
low price.
:+* Sketch on housing shortage in South Korea :+*
:+* Graph on housing shortage in South Korea :+*

-> Housing penetration rate. -> Price of house in South Korea from 1975 to 2018
:+* What the government is doing to resolve housing problem :+*
• The government conducts redevelopment projects in fields or empty

• Build a new city and build more houses.

• Provide public housing and public rental housing.

:+* Credit to Online Sources :+*
• https://invisiblecity.tistory.com/1373
• https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01233286625667568&mediaCodeN
• https://www.mk.co.kr/news/realestate/view/2021/01/56972/
• https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/housing-shortage
:+* THANK YOU :+*

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