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• These filters can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and

isolation, in addition to low self-esteem.

A ‘Filter’ is a feature that can be used in a mobile app. It's used • At the same time that social media is eroding people's
to apply a filter on a photograph or video, which is then placed self-esteem, we're seeing an increase in isolation as a
over the body of the person (or individuals) represented, altering result of these filters, which create a self-reinforcing
their appearance. feedback loop that leads to people spending more time
on social media, seeking virtual validation, and less
Filters are Bad time connecting with others in the real world.
Filters are unreal and gives the pseudo satisfaction to its
users, the satisfaction of a person depends on how the • Excessive time spent staring at filtered versions of
individual is perceived online by others. The compulsive oneself might have a negative impact on one's attitude,
need to be picture perfect every time they post a picture sleep, and overall mental and physical well-being.
online is going up, this is affecting the users on a greater
level. The affect you these filters on the younger generation • While the effects may be visible first among social
is still adverse. media users, they gradually bleed into and pervade
everyone's basic beauty standards and aesthetic
• The harmful implications that this addiction to filters and expectations.
photo editing may have on mental health, particularly
among the younger generation, is a major issue.
• Inadvertently, several of these actions aggravate
• According to specialists, social media filters are linked to body image. Editing your image confirms a
poorer self-esteem, self-confidence, and more incidences negative belief by reinforcing the idea that your
of body dysmorphia. actual physique is unsuitable.

• Study contended that as little as five minutes spent on • The situation is making its users lead to focus on
Extrinsic Motivation rather than Intrinsic

Facebook or Instagram with beauty filters could have the

capacity to elicit a lot of negative responses. Motivation

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