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(Menulis Laporan Sederhana )

Definition : Announcement and accountability

(Pemberitahuan atau pertanggungjawaban)
Dalam laporan itu biasanya memuat
5 W+1H
What, when, where, why, who n how
What was the reported ?
When was the activity done ?
Where was the activity done ?
Why was the activity done ?
Who did the activity do ?
How was the activity done ?
Petunjuk penulisan dalam
membuat laporan

Stiap organisasi /sekolah mepunyai aturan masing masing untuk

mebuat laporan
Langkah 1
Petunjuk penulisan laporan
Lankah 2
Bentuk Tata Bahasa
Lnkah 3
Aturan penulisan
Paper size : A4,
Font type : New Roman
Font size : 12pt,
Margin : dll
(susunan simple report)

1. Title ( judul )
2. Terms of reference ( Rujukan ..Untuk siapa laporan
itu di tujukan
3. Procedure ( Pengambilan data dari partisipan atau
dari interview )
4. Findings ( Temuan data dari pengambilan data )
5. Conclusions ( Kesimpulan temuan dari
pengambilan data yang di temukan )
6. Recommendations ( solusi dari problem yang di
temukan dari finding )
Language feature
( susunan bahasa )

Simple Present Tense

Simple past Tense
Alumni Gathering Report

1. Terms of Reference
Mr. Ganesha, the headmaster, has requested this report on the Alumni Gathering
Activity. The report was to be submitted to him by 30 December 2020
2. Procedure
A representative selection of 15% of all participants were interviewed during
the alumni gathering, on 16 December 2020 concerning:
a. Overall satisfaction with the activities in the gathering.
b. Problems encountered when dealing with the facilities.
c. Suggestions for the improvement f next gathering activity.
3. Findings
a. The participant were generally satisfied with the activities in the gathering.
b. Some problems were encountered when they lacked of mineral water.
c. Most of the participants complained about the uncomfortable in the room.

3. Conclusions
a. Participant are happy to join the activities in the gathering.
b. They have problem with the room.
c. Improvements need to take place in the uncomfortable of the room.
d. Mineral water availability should be considered as the most urgent
4. Recommendations
a. Meet the committee to discuss the serious problems faced by the
b. Give priority improvements on room comfortable.
c. Have an outdoor gathering.

Chairman of Committee
Mahesa Prakasa

1. Make a simple report

by using the procedure…
30 JULY 2021

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