The Caveman Diet: Student's Names

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Caveman student's names

Diet Brian Lopez
Hector Escobedo
 Also called the Caveman Diet or the Stone Age diet, it’s basically a high-
protein, high-fiber eating plan that promises you can lose weight
without cutting calories.
 A paleo diet can help you lose weight or maintain your weight. It may
also have other beneficial effects on health. However, there are no
long-term clinical studies on the possible risks and benefits of the
diet.You may get the same health benefits from getting enough
exercise and eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and
 Other name for diet: also known as the stone age diet and The Paleo
 Goal of diet: The goal of a paleo diet is to return to a mode of eating
more similar to that of early humans. The reasoning behind the diet is
that the human body is genetically incompatible with the modern diet
that arose from the advent of agriculture, an idea known as the
"discordance hypothesis."Agriculture changed what people ate and
established dairy, grains, and legumes as additional staples in the
human diet.
Stage One The Promise

 Eat like a caveman and shed pounds. That's the theory behind the Paleo

 Also called the Caveman Diet or the Stone Age diet, it’s basically a high-
protein, high-fiber eating plan that promises you can lose
weight without cutting calories.
Stage Two
What You Can Eat and What You Can't

 Go Paleo, and you'll eat a lot of fresh lean meats and fish, fruits, and
vegetables, and healthier fats.
You can also eat:
• Eggs
• Nuts and seeds
• Healthier oils, including olive oil and coconut oil
Stage Two
What You Can Eat and What You Can't

 You can't eat any processed foods on this diet. And since our prehistoric
ancestors were hunter-gatherers, not farmers, say goodbye to wheat and
dairy, along with other grains and legumes
Other foods to avoid:
• Dairy
• Refined sugar
• Potatoes
• Salt
• Refined vegetable oils, such as canola
Stage Three
Level of Effort: Moderate

 There’s no calorie counting, and the fiber-rich fruits and vegetables will

fill you up, as will the lean meat.
 Limitations: 
The Paleo Diet allows for some cheating, especially at first. When you're
just starting, you can eat what you want for 3 meals a week.
 Shopping and cooking:
 You'll need to stock up on the allowed foods and cook from scratch, so
plan for kitchen time.

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