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Dr Aarti Kaushal
Name- Aditi Negi
Roll no.-2121018
Class- MCOM
Topic- Advantages and disadvantages of
Marketing .
20 logos of Indian Companies
Advantages of Marketing-

1. Facilitates exchange in the ownership & possession of goods

and services- It creates time ,place and possession utilities for the
goods & services . Producers came to know about the specific goods needs
and preferences of the people and the customers about the products that
manufacturer can offer
2. Optimal Utilization of Resources – Marketing efforts widens the
area of market. Producers can utilize their resources . This optimum use
of resources reduces the total cost per unit .
3. Widens the market- Marketing draws out the hidden wants of
consumers, creates new demand, locates the untapped areas and finds
out the possibilities of selling new products .It thus enlarges the market
and enables the producers to increase production and earn more profits.
4. Raises the Standard Of Living – With the provision of more items of
necessities ,comforts and luxuries ,cheaper as well as costly and with more
services and amenities as its disposal ,the community enjoys a higher standard
of living .Even the poorer sections of society find many more things within
their reach because of lowering of costs of commodities and services .
5. Acts as a basis for decision making – An entrepreneur is confronted with
many problems as to what ,how ,when ,how much and for whom to produce ?
In the past, there were lesser problems on account of local market and direct
link between the producers and the consumers .But in the modern times
marketing has become very complex and tedious. It has emerged as a new
specialized activity along with production .As a result ,producers are largely
dependent upon marketing ,mechanism to decide which how when and how
much to produce .
6. Provides maximum satisfaction of human wants – It serves as an
effective link between the business and the society ,removes hindrances of
knowledge ,educates people , cultivate their minds ,lures them to buy the best
and thus enables ultimately to get maximum satisfaction
7. Accelerates other activities – Because of marketing so many other
activities like banking, transport ,insurance ,warehousing etc gets a boost as
they are needed more to help in marketing process.
8. Increases the national income- National income is the sum total of goods
and services that a nation possesses. The net effect of all marketing efforts is a
rise in production of existing industries ,investment in new industrial units and
provision of more services .The nation becomes richer with the increase in its
national income and there is a rise in per capita income .The economy rises from
underdeveloped stage to developing stage and then marches toward a developed
economy .
9. Provides gainful employment opportunities – Marketing creates a climate
for more production and services .Moreover ,marketing is a complex mechanism
involving a number of functions and sub functions which call for different
specialized personnel for employment.
10. Stabilizes Economic Conditions – It bridges the gap between consumer and
producer .Marketing not only sets the economy revolving but also provides
steady and stable economic conditions where all are happy.Marketing by
balancing production with consumption provides stable prices, full employment
and a strong economy .
Disadvantages of marketing –
1. Costs of marketing - Market data has great value but accessing that
data is expensive and you have to keep analysing that data to stay aware of
buyer trends. Launching a marketing campaign can also be
expensive .Television and radio advertising are also costly and even local
advertising space at a premium because of the competition. Marketing is
overall an expensive and time consuming task .
2. Time and effort may not yield a return – Big brands can afford to
spend time and effort because they have the resource to regroup and move
on but for small business owners ,return on investment on a market on a
marketing campaign may be low .Even the most well planned marketing
campaigns fail .
3. Negative feedback and criticism – Due to the rise of internet and
social media , with just one click consumers can share their experiences
online . If consumer had bad experience with the product they can share it
on internet and with just one tweet or one post entire reputation of the
brand can get damaged . So it becomes challenging to deal negative
feedback and improve the brand image
4. Skills and training – In today`s business world marketing plays an
important role . A good marketer needs specific skills ,knowledge and
expertise . It will take a lot of time and resources in ensuring the training
and recruitment of skilled employees for marketing .
5. Security and Privacy issues – There are a number of considerations
around collecting and using customer data for marketing purposes. The
marketer has to take care and comply with the rules regarding privacy and
data protection .
6. Customer Satisfaction still a subservient goal – Some companies
still consider customers to be irrelevant, they still believe that employees &
shareholders are more important .They take decisions which fetch them
higher profits but ignore customer needs.
7. Unethical marketing- It may include intentionally evoking rage or
sadness to manipulate consumer decisions ,using fear tactics targeting
people or tricking them to buy a product or service. These type of practices
send wrong message about the products and destroy the trust of
consumers . Marketer should try to avoid making false unverified
claims ,conceal dark sides of product ,spamming and plagiarism etc.
20 Indian Brands with logo







8. ITC





15. BYJU`S


17. OYO
18. CRED


20. OLA

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