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“The Freak Show”

Maya Balawi
The story behind freak shows

• Freak shows were moving circuses that dated back to the middle ages. They then turned into side shows
in the early 1800s and they made profit off of those who had extraordinary abilities more specifically
those who were born with physical disabilities or abnormalities

• They originated in the united states and the idea was brought up by P.T. Barnum an American business

• Back then, freak shows weren’t only socially acceptable, it was also considered family entertainment and
was just a form of bringing curious people together

• The shows brought to light bearded women, tattooed men, the severely disfigured and the abnormally
short or tall, many of whom were forced into the industry as young children
Acts in the freak show
The following where the most famous performers of the circus sideshows:

1. Grady Stiles: The Lobster Boy

2. Charles Sherwood: General Tom Thumb

3. Myrtle Corbin: The Four-Legged Lady

4. Lionel The Lion Faced Man

5. Schlitzie The Pinhead

6. Chang and Eng Bunker: the conjoined twins

Grady Stiles: The Lobster Boy
• Grady was born with a rare condition known as elctrodactyly which fused his fingers and toes to look like “claws”
leaving him unable to walk or carry things properly

• Before him, his father was also part of the freak show and he continued as an adult to perform with his two youngest

• Since he was unable to walk he developed an unusual upper body strength and that mixed with a short temper and a
history of alcoholism he became abusive. He then proceeded to confess that he beat his wife. In 1978 Grady shot and
killed his daughters fiancé the night before her wedding but wasn’t sent to prison, instead was put under house arrest
due to his disability

• During 1992, Grady's wife grew tired of him and convinced a 17 year old, also part of the show to kill Grady, which
he succeeded in. following his death, they were both caught and sentenced
Representation in media

• After the fall of the freak show, movie producers and the media took interest in what had happened
and it became a huge thing on television

Famous adaptations:

American horror story: this season of the show combined urban legends, serial killers and circuses to
create the most accurate and bone chilling storyline

Roles where played by Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Jessica Lange, Emma Roberts, Finn Wittrock
and so on

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