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71151 Aman Kapil Sukenkar

71152 Samruddhi Satish Phalinkar

71153 Karishma Yusuf Tamboli

71154 Avadhut Avinash Patil

71155 Omkar kishor Patkar

Element of Research Praposal
1.statement of problem
2.Research question.
3. Defination of terms.
4.Significance of study.
5.statement of hypothesis.
6.limitation of study.
7. literature review.
8.Expected Result.
Statement of problem
In world, organic food market is in emerging stage has
experienced steadfast growth in the past few years.
The current growth in the organic market is driven by
health factor and safe consumption. 
Day to day the environmental concern is increasing,
consumers are focusing on the green aspect of the products
as well as their  impact on the environment.
Health issues are becoming consumer's priorities to
purchase the products.
These are the main driving force while purchasing the
organic products.
Research question.
What are the demand of organic product?
How organic products satisfying consumers desire in
current situation?
How to improve production and quality of organic
Defination of terms
Organic products are products that are produced
using methods of organic farming with limited
modern synthetic inputs.
Organic products are produced using environmentally
and animal friendly farming methods.
Significance of study.
The organic product concept is
developing around the world; so many
consumers have turned their sight
towards organic products due to rising
concern of health issues.
Organic products promote refusal of
artificial preservatives.
The demand has been changing on
account of the false consumer perception
that organic products are elite.
Study is to gain knowledge about the
demographic characteristics of
respondents and about the consumer
perception towards organic products.
statement of hypothesis
During the COVID 19 pandemic the demand for
organic food went up as consumers perceived
them as being healthier and good for immunity.
However, otherwise too, demand for organic food
is increasing at a continuous pace. According to an
Expert Market Research report the Indian organic
food market stood at a value of USD 849.5 million
in 2020.
•For the forecast period of 2021 – 2026, the trend in the
organic food market is expected to grow at a CAGR of
about 20.5% to reach about USD 2601 million by 2026.
• The Indian Organic Food Market is projected to grow
from USD177.14 million in FY2020 to USD553.87
million in FY2026 advancing with a CAGR of 21.00% by
FY2026, on account of favorable government policies
supporting organic farming coupled with rising land area
under organic cultivation.
Key Target Audience:
•Organic food manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and
other stakeholders
•Organizations, forums and alliances related to organic
•Government bodies such as regulating authorities and
policy makers
•Market research and consulting firms
limitation of study.
Lack of awareness about organic products.
Consumer preference for low price product.
Convince the farmer.
Pay extra percentage to the retailer.
Expensive storage method.
Need for the Government support.
literature review.
Auther :- Ms. R. Ayswarya Ph.D. , Dr. S. Vasanthi.
Expected Result
Organic products are becoming popular; nowadays almost all of our
everyday products can be found in the organic quality as well.
Consumers buy organic products because the products are grown
without using chemical pesticides and is healthier too.
Hence, the results from the present study recognized that
consumer’s perception towards organic products relates to its eco-
friendly nature and health benefits. It was also identified that
consumers were aware and also have positive behaviour towards
purchasing organic products.
Therefore, the research also suggests that marketers have to
advertise the availability of the organic products in order to increase
the market size of products and at the same time consumers shall be
informative regarding the product benefits.
Research Papers
People who knows organic poducts.

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