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Republic of the Philippines

Department of E ducation
Regional Office I X , Zamboanga Peninsula

8 Zest for P rogress

Zeal of P artnership

Quarter 2, Wk. 8 - Module 2
Responsible Parenthood

Name of Learner:

Grade & Section:

What I Need to Know
In a traditional Filipino family, the father is considered the head and
the provider of the family while the mother takes responsibility of the
domestic needs and become in charge of the emotional growth as well as
values formation of the children. They both perform different tasks and is
treated differently by their children. Children see their mothers as soft and
calm, while they regard their fathers as strong and the most eminent figure
in the family. However, at present, the family structure is evolving.

Moreover, Filipinos keep close connections with other relatives. They

recognize them from 2nd degree to the last they can identify. As Filipinos
say, “not being able to know a relative is like turning their backs from where
they come from.”
This module is designed for you to analyze the importance of
parenthood, to recognize the factors for a successful family life, to
explain the effects of family size on health, to enumerate the important roles
and responsibilities of parents in child rearing and care, and to propose ways
on how to plan an ideal family size.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to do the

1.Analyze the importance of responsible parenthood. ( H8FH-IIg-

h-37) 2.Describe the factors of a successful family life. ( H8FH-IIb-28)

Directions: Answer the pre-assessment. Justify whether you agree or
disagree to the statements below. Justify your answer.
(Note: Your answers vary according to your experiences.)
1. Families have the same number of people.
2. Families can celebrate different holidays.
3. Families live in one house.
4. Families celebrate birthdays in the same way.
5. Families change all the time.
6. Even though family members fight, they still love each
7. In all families, mothers and fathers work.
8. Mothers and fathers always live together.
9. Different families have different rules.
10. Families have children.

What to Know
Hello! Let’s play TH U M B S UP, TH U M B S DOWN. Read the statement below
and draw an emoji sign T H U M B S UP if you agree with the statement and
T H U M B S DOWN if not. Explain the reason for your answer.

1. Mom and Dad provide my basic needs.

2. Security is the priority of my parents.
3. Parents give love and care to their children.
4. We live under the bridge because our parents are jobless.
5. I get what I want from my parents.

Responsible parenting is defined as the series of decisions couples make
to ensure the best possible life for the family and for the community to
which the family belongs. It is the ability of the parents to raise children in
the Filipino way and to satisfy the social, economic, and religious
responsibilities of a family. Parenting also includes the inculcation of values
and instilling of discipline. <source: Population and Education Teaching
Module 2009˃
There are several points when thinking of parenthood:
1. Happiness and stability of the marriage.
The relationship of the couple should be satisfactory because a child’s
arrival may only become another source of marital stress and misery.
2. Physical and emotional readiness of both partners for parenthood.
A wife should be physically and emotionally prepared to give birth to a
healthy child and the husband should be mature enough to carry out his
3. Financial stability.
The cost of living gets higher as the newborn child completes the family
and it depends on his parents.

Responsibilities and Roles of Parents

Directions: Create a slogan in a short bond paper expressing the
responsibilities and roles of parents

Duties and responsibilities of parents

• Provision of physical care and love
The duty and responsibility start during the prenatal stage. The
physical, emotional, and mental health of children depends on the
quality of prenatal care they received.
• Inculcating discipline
Parents should be role models in inculcating discipline in their
children. Children should be trained to think and reason out for
themselves and be able to distinguish between right and wrong. They
should learn to accept limitations, to appreciate the value of freedom
with responsibility and understand the requirements of living happily
and peacefully with other people.
• Developing social competence
• Education
• Citizenship training
• Financial aspect of responsibility
• Spiritual formation

What`s New
Below are balloons. O n the balloons, write the roles and
responsibilities of each member of the family. Color those balloons with the
role that you think can help you achieve a healthy family.
red- father’s roles , yellow- mother’s roles green- child’s roles.

Toward Self Toward Spouse Toward Children Toward Parents Table

Takes care of one’s: -provides / Parents Young children: Responsi
addresses the of
-care for children -help in householbd
-Health needs of spouse: -perform chores

emotional, social, domestic tasks -study hard gs and
economic, etc. (e.g.
cooking, -care for
siblin Older children:
-Education -earn a living A
cleaning the -Take care of older
-send children to parents
the elderly
house, etc.) in
-keep children
good health
Activity 2: Let`s Reflect
Reflect on the essence of the following quotation and answer the
following questions. Remember to write your answers / ideas on the space
provided below.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is
not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it
keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the
truth. It always protects, always trusts, hopes, always perseveres.”
<Editorial Feb15, 1998 PHILIPPINE PANORAMA>
1. What is the message of the article?

2. How can you “put love into action” every day for all families?

What is 1. Allows the parents to give
it more attention and love to
their children
2. Happier and more
emotionally stable
3. Financially stable
4. More time, energy, and
EFFECTS OF BIGGER FAMILY money left for other
1. Nutritional intake per pursuits
member tends to be
smaller, malnutrition tends
to be higher.
2. Disadvantaged in terms of
physical development
3. Prone to infection and
parasite infestations
4. Exercise self-deprivation
Effects of Family Size on Health
1. Nutriti
onal Status
2. Morbidity
3.Risk Behaviors
4.Utilization of
Health Services


Rank the following characteristics according to their importance, with
number 1 being the most important and number 5 being the least. Be able
to justify your ranking.
A would- be parent should be:
Financially stable
Emotionally matured
Physically healthy
Morally upright
Possessing a behavior that complements that
of the spouse

What`s More
Task 2: Looking at the Family
Answer the following questions on the space provided below.
1. What is your concept of a family?

2. Point on the characteristics of the members of your immediate family.

Share it to your classmates.

3. Are there benefits gained of being a part of the family? Name them.

4. What are the stresses or drawbacks involved in being part of the

family? How do these happen?
5. How do families today differ from families 10 years ago?

6.If you like to build a family, how would you like it five years from now?

What I Have Learned


A. Complete the sentence and support your answer below.

1. Father is responsible

2. Mother is responsible

3. My father and mother are successful parents because

B . Understanding concepts in responsible parenthood

1. Explain different kinds of families and that all family members
have rights, privileges and

2. How does responsibility prepare couples to become

successful / responsible

3. You are a role model for your children because they

look up to you. Record the time you spend with them. What did
you do together? What was good about spending time as a
positive RO L E model. Describe one way you can be a better
role model for other parents to their

4. Explain what to do if someone shows you affection in a way you

5. How can your relationship influence each member of the


What I Can Do
Task 1: C O M P O S E A S O N G
In a short bond paper reflect your ideal family and compose a song
expressing how you want to be when you become parents. Video your
performance using your cellphone and send it online (messenger, or
facebook account of the teacher)

I. Multiple choice: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct
answer of the statements / questions given below.
1 . Which among the statements given below upholds the
responsibility of parents to their children?
A. Choose their course in college
B. Choose their husband or wife
C. Teach them religion
D. Teach them values
2. Why do people marry?
A. For economic security
B. For love
C. For social status
D. All of the above
3. Why do couples want to have children?
A. Children are considered wealth of parents
B. Religious institutions require it
C. Society expects couples to have offspring
D. Strengthens the bond between husband and wife

4. Which is an ingredient of a happy married life?

A. Commitment
B. Love
C. Sincerity
D. All of the above
5. Which is a wrong reason for having children?
A. Children are gifts from God
B. Children make married couples happy
C. The sole purpose of marriage
D. Parent’s security in the future
II. Identify the concept described in each item. Choose from the words
inside the box below.

Marriage Fidelity Family

Parenthood Courtship Engagement

6. The legal union of ma n and woman, as husband and wife

7. The intense emotion that one feels for another person
8. A period in a person’s relationship when one tells his intense
feeling / desire to another person
9 . Characteristics of being faithful, loyal, and true to a
relationship or to parents
10. The period when couples are ready to embrace their
responsibilities to care for the children bringing them quality life
11. Period in a couple’s relationship before getting married
I. Multiple
D 1choice:
II. 5. Identify the concept described in each item. Choose from the words inside
the boxbelow
Marria . 6. The legal union of man and woman, as husband
Infatuati and 7. Thewifeintense emotion that one feels for another person but does not
Courtsh 8.
last long in a person’s relationship when one tells his intense
A period
ip feeling
to / desire
Fidelit person.
9. Characteristics of being faithful, loyal, and true to a relationship or to
yParentho parents
10. The period when couples are ready to embrace their responsibilities
od to care
for the children bringing them
Engageme quality
11. Period lifein a couple’s relationship before getting
nt married Answer Key:
your answer sheets.
bond paper. Let your parent/guardian bring the stick house together with
healthy family. Explain your work and write your explanation on a short
Make a stick house where all the sticks where identified as the factors of
Activity : MY H O M E
Additional Activity
Song Composition Rubrics:
Scoring (5) (4) (3) Need (2) Needs (1)
Criteria Excellent Good some muc h Fair
improvement improvement

Relates to

Provides a
of scenarios



Gives the
scenarios full

Activity: Thumbs up and thumbs down


Score Basis for the points/score

4– 5 If you got this score, it means that you know the concept on how to
be a responsible parenthood. Congratulations!
2-3 If you got this score then it shows that you have to focus and know
the ways on to be a responsible parenthood.
0-1 If you got this score, it means that you hardly know how to be a
responsible parenthood

Rubrics for Slogan:

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Require The All All but one Several

d advocacy required of the required
Elemen material elements required elements
ts includes are elements are
all included are missing.
required in the included in
elements advocacy the
as well as material. advocacy
additional material.
Labels All items Almost all Many Labels
of items of items of are too
importanc importan importance small to
e on the ce on the on the view or
advocacy advocacy advocacy no
material material material important
are clearly are are clearly items
labeled clearly labeled were
with labels labeled with labels labeled.
that can with that can be
be read labels read from
from at that can at least 3
least 3 ft. be read ft. away.
away. from at
least 3 ft.

Graphic All All All Graphics

s- graphics graphics graphics do not
Releva are related are relate to relate to
nce to the related to the topic. the topic
topic and the topic One or two or several
easier to and most borrowed borrowed
understan are easier graphics graphics
d. All to have a do not
borrowed understa source have a
graphics nd. Some citation. source
have a borrowed citation.
source graphics
citation. have a
Attracti The The The The
veness advocacy advocacy advocacy advocacy
material is material material is material
exceptiona is acceptably is
lly attractive attractive distractin
attractive in terms though it gly messy
in terms of of design, may be a or very
design, layout, bit messy. poorly
layout, and designed.
and neatness. It is not
neatness. attractive

Rubrics for ST I C K H OU SE:

For a very well done work. The STICK HOUSE matched very well what is being
Advanced instructed. A very clear and attractive message that catches the attention of
90-100 people about healthy family.

For making the stick house that matched well what is being instructed. There
Proficient is a clear and attractive message that catches the attention of the people
85-89 about healthy family.

Approaching The stick house matched what is being instructed. A clear message that
Proficiency catches the attention of the people that have been inform about healthy
80 - 84 family.
For hardly making a stick house that should match what is being instructed.
Developing Message that hardly catches the attention of people regarding healthy family
75- 79

Region IX: Zamboanga Peninsula Hymn – Our Eden Land

Here the trees and flowers bloom Gallant men And Ladies fair
Here the breezes gently Blow, Linger with love and care
Here the birds sing Merrily, Golden beams of sunrise
The liberty forever Stays, and sunset
Are visions you’ll never forget
Oh! That’s Region IX
Here the Badjaos roam the seas
Hardworking people Abound,
Here the Samals live in peace
Every valleys and Dale
Here the Tausogs thrive so free
Zamboangueños, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
With the Yakans in unity
Cebuanos, Ilocanos, Subanons, Boholanos,
All of them are proud and true
Region IX our Eden Land
Region IX

The Footprints Prayer Trees by Joyce Kilmer

One night I had a dream. I dreamed I think that I shall never see
that I was walking along the beach A poem lovely as a tree.
with the LORD.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
In the beach, there were two (2) sets Against the earth’s sweet flowing
of footprints – one belong to me and breast;
the other to the LORD.
A tree that looks at God all
Then, later, after a long walk, I day, And lifts her leafy arms to
noticed only one set of footprints. pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
“And I ask the LORD. Why? Why?
A nest of robins in her hair;
Why did you leave me when I am sad
and helpless?”
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
And the LORD replied “My son, My Who intimately lives with rain.
son, I have never left you. There was
only one (1) set of footprints in the Poems are made by fools like me,
sand, because it was then that I But only God can make a tree.

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