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The humanities are 1, A. History is systematically

academic disciplines which study the collected information about the
human condition, using methods that past. When used as the name of
are primarily analytic, critical, or a field of study, history refers to
speculati the study and interpretation of
Examples of the disciplines of the the record of humans, societies,
humanities are institutions, and any topic that
ancient and modern languages, has changed over time.
literature, law, history, philosophy,
2. Languages - The study of
religion, and visual and
individual modern and classical
performing arts (including music).
languages forms the backbone of
•Fields of Humanities
modern study of the humanities.
The classics, in the Western
While the scientific study of
academic tradition, refer to cultures of
language is known as linguistics
classical antiquity, namely the
and is a social science, the study
Ancient Greek and Roman cultures.
of languages is still central to the
The study of the classics is considered
one of the cornerstones of the
3. Law - It has been defined as a 5. Performing arts include acrobatics,
"system of rules“, as an busking, comedy, dance, magic,
"interpretive concept“[ to music, opera, film, juggling,
achieve justice, as an "authority marching arts, such as
“[ to mediate people's interests, brass bands, and theatre.
and even as "the command of a 6. Music as an academic discipline
sovereign, backed by the threat can take a number of different
of a sanction". paths, including music
4. Literature -any sequence of performance, music education
words that has been preserved (training music teachers),
for transmission in some form musicology, music theory and
or other (including oral composition.
transmission); more narrowly, it 7. Theatre (or theater) is the branch
is often used to designate of the performing arts concerned
imaginative works such as with acting out stories in front of
stories, poems, and plays an audience using combinations
of speech, gesture, music, dance,
sound and spectacle
8. Dance (from Old French dancier, • 10. Religion is a cultural system
perhaps from Frankish) generally that creates powerful and long-
refers to human movement either lasting meaning, by establishing
used as a form of expression or symbols that relate humanity to
presented in a social, spiritual or beliefs and values.[1] Many
performance setting. Dance is also religions have narratives,
used to describe methods of symbols, traditions and sacred
non-verbal communication (see histories that are intended to give
body language) between humans or meaning to life or to explain the
animals (bee dance, mating dance), origin of life or the universe.
and motion in inanimate objects (the They tend to derive morality,
leaves danced in the wind). ethics, religious laws or a
9. Philosophy -The works of Søren preferred lifestyle from their
Kierkegaard overlap into many ideas about the cosmos and
fields of the humanities, such as human nature.
philosophy, literature, theology,
psychology, music, and classical
11. The visual arts are art forms that • are the applied arts such as
create works which are primarily industrial design, graphic design,
visual in nature, such as ceramics, fashion design, interior design
drawing, painting, sculpture, and decorative art.
printmaking, design, crafts, and History of the humanities
often modern visual arts ( In the West, the study of the
photography, video, and humanities can be traced to
filmmaking) and architecture. ancient Greece, as the basis of a
These definitions should not be broad education for citizens.
taken too strictly as many artistic During Roman times, the concept
disciplines (performing arts, of the seven liberal arts evolved,
conceptual art, textile arts) involving grammar, rhetoric and
involve aspects of the visual arts logic (the trivium), along with
as well as arts of other types. Also arithmetic, geometry, astronomy
included within the visual arts
and music (the quadrivium).[13] • Columbia University were among
These subjects formed the bulk of the first schools to require an
medieval education, with the extensive core curriculum in
emphasis being on the humanities philosophy, literature, and the arts
as skills or "ways of doing.” for all students.
Humanities Today in the U.S. Through the humanities we reflect
• Many American colleges and on the fundamental question: What
universities believe in the notion does it mean to be human? The
of a broad "liberal arts humanities offer clues but never a
education", which requires all complete answer. They reveal how
college students to study the people have tried to make moral,
humanities in addition to their spiritual, and intellectual sense of
specific area of study. The a world in which irrationality,
University of Chicago and despair, loneliness, and death are
as conspicuous as birth, friendship,
hope, and reason.

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