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• The leaf is the organ in a plant specially adapted for photosynthesis

• Leaves are adapted for photosynthesis and gaseous exchange. The
function of a leaf is photosynthesis, to absorb light and carbon dioxide
to produce glucose (food).
The adaptations of leaf for photosynthesis
• Large surface area for maximum light absorption.
• The presence of chlorophyll containing chloroplast (mesophyll cells and
guard cells contain many chloroplasts) to absorb sunlight
• Thin structure– Short distance for carbon dioxide to diffuse into leaf cells
• The stomata that allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the leaf and oxygen
to diffuse out
• A large network of veins to support the leaf and transport water, mineral
ions and sucrose (sugar)
• Air Spaces – to reduce distance for carbon dioxide to diffuse and to
increase the surface area of the gas exchange surface inside the leaf
How the plants use the food they made?

● Plants use it in the process for respiration to release energy for

● Plants use it to form starch, which is stored in leaves and other
storage organs, such as tubers example irish potato and seeds
● Plants use it so that they can grow in height and width
developing stems, leaves and reproductive structures.
How are leaves adapted for
• The leaf is the organ in a plant specially adapted for photosynthesis
• Leaves are adapted for photosynthesis and gaseous exchange. The
function of a leaf is photosynthesis, to absorb light and carbon dioxide
to produce glucose (food).

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