Building A Great Company

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April 5, 2013

 Getting the Right People in Key Positions

 Ingredients of Greatness

 Attributes of a Great Company

 Application to Omega Capital Limited

April 5, 2013
Getting the Right People in Key Positions

People who fit with the Company’s values

 Hire people with a predisposition to your core values

 Build a culture where those who do not share the values will not

People who don’t need to be tightly managed

 People who need very little supervision

 You don’t need to spend a lot of time motivating or managing if

you have the right people
April 5, 2013
 They are self-motivated and self-disciplined
 They are driven to give out their best

People who think in terms of responsibilities and not jobs

 They know what they are ultimately responsible for

 Think in terms of responsibilities not task lists

April 5, 2013
Getting the Right People in Key Positions
People who fulfill their commitments
 View commitments as sacred
 They do what they say without complaint

 Careful not to overcommit or to promise what they cannot

People who are passionate about the company and its work
 Nothing will happen without passion

 The right people display great intensity

April 5, 2013
People who display “window and mirror” maturity
 Give credit to factors other than themselves when things
go right
 Shine light on others and take little credit themselves
 They take responsibility when things go wrong and don’t
blame other people or circumstances

April 5, 2013
Ingredients of Greatness

Disciplined People
 Ambitious first and foremost for the cause, organization, the
work and not for themselves
 Has a blend of personal humility and professional will

Disciplined Thought
 Faith that you can and will prevail in the end regardless of the

April 5, 2013
 Disciplined enough to confront the brutal facts of current
 Understanding what you can be best in the world at
 Understanding what you are passionate about
 Understanding the economic drivers of your business

April 5, 2013
Ingredients of Greatness

Disciplined Action
 Operating with freedom within a framework of responsibilities

 Not looking for a single defining action, grand program, killer

innovation, lucky break or miracle moment
 Process of pressing on; pushing a giant heavy fly wheel one
turn at a time, building momentum until a point of

April 5, 2013
Attributes of a Great Company

 Prosper through multiple generations of leaders

 Not built around a single leader, idea or program
 Preserve set of core values and purpose over long periods of
 However, there is a relentless drive for change and progress
 Keep clear the difference between their core values (which
never change) and operating strategies and cultural practices
(which endlessly adapt to a changing world)
April 5, 2013
 Deliver superior financial returns and achieve the
company’s purpose
 Make a lasting impact in the environment in which they
 Deliver exceptional results over a long period
 Have staying power and bounce back even stronger when
they go through adversity
April 5, 2013
Application to Omega Capital Limited

 Do we have the right people in place?

- People who all share in our value of
Team work

April 5, 2013
 Do we work without much supervision?
 Is everyone responsible?
 Do we keep our word?
 Are we all passionate about Omega?
 Is personal humility exhibited by all?
 What can we be best at?
 What is our circle of competence?
April 5, 2013
 What is Omega passionate about?
 What are the economic drivers of our business?
 How do we keep focused on our vision?

 How do we preserve our core values over time?

 How do we make a lasting impact on the lives of people?

April 5, 2013

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