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Are those which refer to family members

and what each one possesses.

Both native and acquired. The ability to solve
mathematical problems and the skill for example
to bake a cake are important resources of this

Which include ideas, opinions,

inclinations, biases and feelings towards
Include facts and information. Success in doing an
activity requires knowledge of what the activity is
and how it is to be done. Baking a cake requires
knowledge of baking terms for one to understand
and carry out instructions.

Or the capacity to do work. Members of

the family must be in good health, of
sound mind and body to be able to do
their assigned work effectively.
are things and elements which are
available to the family and everyone.

Is made of short and long periods. It is

usually measured in terms of clock time.

Is the purchasing power that helps one

to acquire needed goods and services.
Can be durable, non-perishable
A and perishable. These include
n food items, furniture, appliances,
tools and equipment owned and
d used by the family.

Available to the family

include police station,
park roads, public schools
and library, health
centers, government
hospitals and etc.

Which include rain, sunlight, air and

soil help man provide for his basic
needs such as food, shelter and
Family Values and

Values motivates the family to set goals and

behave in the manner that would help them
achieve their goals.

Family Goals are things the family would want to

achieve. If a family values education, their resources
will focus on sending children to good schools and
finish their schooling.
Family Needs and Wants

Every family and every member of the family has needs

and wants.

NEEDS- are basic or essential to living. they

support our existence.
WANTS- are different from needs. If needs are
essential to survival, wants are desires an
individual would like to have or possess to give
him/her enjoyment and satisfaction.

NOTE: your needs should be prioritized over your wants. If you

keep this principle in mind and practice it in life, then you are a
wise manager of your resources.
Tips in Managing Resources Effectively

5. Assign responsibilities that can

1. Use energy and time
3. know how to use, clean make use of one's talents and skills
properly. Alternating heavy and take care of in doing family chores such as
and light work and providing appliances and furniture cooking a delicious meal, recycling
rest in between help one to to keep them functioning old clothes, or decorating the
house. This makes work easy and
recover spent energy. well.. This also reduces interesting.
cost of repair and
2. Know how to budget 6. Make good use of community
money to make spending 4. Adopt a cheerful and facilities such as parks, roads,
worthwile. As a rule, needs hospitals, schools, churches and
positive attitude towards libraries to meet some of the
should be attended first work to make work easy, family’s needs and wants, reduce
before wants are to be met
and satisfied.
interesting and enjoyable. spending and realize family goals.
This is the combined money earned by the father and
mother , and other working members of the family.
Family income can be derived from one or a
combination of these sources.
Today’s family income has become bigger and bigger with more
members of the family earning a living. With the increase in
income, there is a corresponding increase in expenditure.
Expenditure should be planned so that it does not exceed the
income. To be able to do this, preparing a budget is necessary.
A budget is a list of items of
expenditures that one plans to spend
in a given time with a given income
or amount.
And other related needs
A small percent of the
income has to be set
aside for needs that
may unexpectedly arise.
Factors Affecting the
Family Budget
Family Income: 20,000 (net)/month Family Size: 4

Items of Expenditure Percentage Allotment Equivalent in Peso

Food (including staples and groceries) 30% 6,000.00

Clothing 5% 1,000.00

House Amortization 20% 4,000.00

Utilities 7.5% 1,500

Transportation 10% 2,000.00

Allowances 12.5% 2,500.00

Miscellaneous 10% 2,000.00

Medical and Dental Savings (for 5% 1,000.00

is a non-human resource
which refers to a period
that continue and in which
an action or condition
exists. It is seconds,
minutes, hours, days,
months and year.
is a human
resource which
refers to
one's capacity
to do work.
You spend less time on things you have to do and more
time on things you want to do.

Have a sense of fulfillment when the day is done.

You reduce the daily stress and frustration.

You become a good model for others.

You enjoy a balanced and better life for you and the
To manage your time
and energy effectively.
It is best to apply the
four processes of
management. These
are the following.
Prioritize your tasks

Amount of time needed.

Classify your tasks or activities

that you can do by yourself and
those that can be shared by

Always make a list of what

to do for the day.
This means listing down all activities for
the day, assigning the time when each is to
be done, and assigning family members
who will do each activity.
It is monitoring,
guiding, and
coordinating all the
activities with the
family member.
Prepare a
checklist of the
Check those
which have
been done well.

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