Introduction To Computer Languages

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Introduction to Computer Languages

Classification of Computer Languages

Types of Computer Languages

Computer Language :
It is a formal language used in communication
or interaction with computer system or basically
the languages that are used to write some
instruction or code to execute or to do some tasks.
It is different from the other languages that we
usually use to communicate or interact with each
other in our daily life.
Classification of Computer
Computer Languages can be classified into different
Computer Language

Low Level Language High Level Language

Machine Assembly
JAVA, .NET etc
Language Language
Low Level Language
It is often known as a computer’s native language. And
it is very close to writing actual machine code. As
compared to High Level Language that used for
developing software, Low Level Language code is not-
human readable. It consists of numeric codes i.e 0&1.
These codes are easily understandable to computers
but difficult to human. A low level language is used in
two generations of computer.
First generation
Second generation
First Generation Languages
It represent the very early , primitive
computer languages that consisted
entirely of 1’s and 0’s- the actual language
that the computer understands
(machine language ).
Second Generation Language
It represent a step up from the first
generation languages. Allow for the use
of symbolic names of just numbers.
Second generation languages are known
as assembly languages. Code written in
assembly language is converted into
machine language.
Advantages of L. L. Language
Processing speed is very high because it
is one to one language.
Translation of the program is not
It occupies less memory.
Disadvantages of L. L. Language
Low Level Language instructions are difficult to
read, write and understand.
Difficult to update the instructions.
Difficult to remember the address sequence of
Programming methodology very from machine to
machine .
Only specialist can be able to operate these
High level language
High Level Language is a programming language
designed to simplify computer programming. It also
known as Third Generation language and it brings
the programming closer to human language. It
contains easy to read syntax that is later converted
into a low level language by compiler or interpreter,
which can be recognized and run by a specific CPU.
Some of the examples of H. L. language
1)C++ 2)C# 3)Python
4)Java 5)COBOL 6)Fortran
Advantages of H. L. language
High Level Instructions are easy to read, write and
Easy to update instructions.
Easy to remember the address sequence of the
Easy to construct the complex logic instructions.
High Level Language are common for all the
machines, since it is machine independent.
Disadvantages of H. L. Language
Processing speed is too slow as
compared to Low Level Language.
It occupies more memory space.

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