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• After reading this module, you should be able to:
• identify the different basics stances in arnis.
• demonstrate the proper way of executing the different
• demonstrate and understanding of the benefits that can be
derived from practicing the dual sports.
• Introduction 

This module has been prepared to provide you with

knowledge and basic stances. You will be able to execute
the different stances and understand why it is done in such

Stances in Arnis, as in other forms of martial arts are different body

positions basic to play of the art.
• These are the technique which teaches a player how to maintain body
balance and the proper manner of distributing his weight on his legs.
• Mastery of these techniques essential in the perfection of the art of Arnis.
A player can never hope to flight effectively without knowing these
important rudiments.
• Proper body positioning gives one mobility and ability. Shift from one
position to another with strong foothold and with much agility.
• Moreover, this is very essential in defensive and offensive fighting.
Attention stance- Stand with feet at 45 degree
angle, heels closed together, hands at the side and

• Open-leg stance- Stand with legs
spread apart about shoulder width
with toes pointing slightly

Straddle-leg stance- Spread legs
about twice with width of shoulders
and bend knees outwards, heel
firmly planted and toes pointing
straight forward. Distribute weight
evenly on both legs.
•  Attention stance and salutation. In this stance, bring your left
foot to your right – touching both your heels and point your
toes outward at a 15-degree angle. At the same time, with your
proper hand, increase the stick to your left chest under the
breast portion, and salute as the stick is at a 15-degree angle,
and pause for a few seconds. Straighten your body, chin up, and
focus your eyes straight.
• Forward stance- Move one
leg forward at a distance about
twice the width of the shoulder
and about 30 degrees to the
side and bend front leg at the
knee with cane in the center
and in fighting form. Rear leg
is extended fully with both
feet flat on the ground.
• Back stance- Stand with one foot
backward with rear-foot toes
pointing outward and front-foot toes
pointing forward, so that the two
feet form an L-shape.
The rear foot should point either left
or right depending on what foot is in
front. Rear knee should be a little
bent and forced outward as in
straddle stance. Seventy percent by
the front leg.
• Oblique forward stance- This is
executed by stepping either foot
obliquely to the left or right.
Reverse of the oblique forward
stance is executed with the
withdrawal of either foot.
In both movements, the L-shape
position of the feet should be
Perform the following stances.

Open-leg Stance
Straddle-leg Stance
Attention Forward Stance
Back Stance
Oblique Forward Stance

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