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The Pardoner’s Tale


Geoffrey Chaucer

Born born c. 1342/43, London, England

died October 25, 1400, London
The Canterbury tale
Served to the hundred years war as a soldier and
Developed his own type of poetry, written in Middle
English vernacular (he wrote the way people spoke).
The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer’s great literary accomplishment of the

There is a group of 30 pilgrims gather at the Tabard
The Pilgrims agreed to have a story telling contest
hosted by Harry Bailey.
The Canterbury Tales' Characters

The Chaucer- Narrator of the tale, tell tales on the road.

Harry Bailey- Master's of ceremony of the story telling
contest; the peacemaker.
The Knight- Chivalrous and wise; no flaws
The Miller- Strong brawny man.
The Reeve- Old frightening-looking man; takes care of
peoples estate.
The Wife of bath- Been in many pilgrimage; has had
five husbands.
The Pardoner- Dishonest man; only motive is profit.
The Pardoner

Pardon- means the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or


The Pardoner- His profession is somewhat dubious—pardoners offered

indulgences, or previously written pardons for particular sins, to people
who repented of the sin they had committed.

Chaucer's Pardoner is highly a untrustworthy character. The Pardoner tell

the pilgrims of how he gulls people into indulging his own avarice through
a sermon he preaches on
greed, the Pardoner tells of a tale that exemplifies the vice decried in his

The tale is about Gluttonous and Drunkenness

Pardoner’s Tale

The Pardoners Tale The first part of the tale consists

of the
Pardoner giving a sermon about how bad avarice
(intense need for wealth) is and how everyone
should repent for their sins. He emphasized the
preaching about sinners who gambled, partied and
drunkness leads to sin.
Pardoner’s Tale

Early in the morning before the churchbell rung. The

three rouges saw a cart with dead body leading to the
graveyard. They ask the boy whose body is it. And the
boy replied that the dead person is one of the three
rouges friend. He was slain as he was sitting drunk in a
chair last night. The shadowy thief that people call
Death, who kills everyone in this land, drove his scythe
into the man’s heart and sliced it in two before silently
moving on again. From then the three delinquents
swore to live and die for the others just as if they’d been
blood brothers from birth
Pardoners Tale

When they’d gone only about half a mile, though,

they came upon a poor old man, just as they were
about to hop over a fence. The old man greeted them
politely. But they reply in harsh word towards the old
man. Then they suspect the old man as an
accomplice of death. They ask the old man by
threatening him to tell them where is death. And the
old man reply the person they are looking for in just
under the oak tree.
Pardoner’s Tale

The three scoundrels ran off in that direction until

they came to the oak tree. Instead of finding Death,
though, they discovered about eight bushels of gold
florins. They were so awestruck by the shiny gold
coins that they completely forgot about hunting and
killing Death. They sat down next to the bags of gold
for a while, until the worst of the three finally came.
Pardoners Tale

They decided that they will transport the bag of golds

at night. Because if they transfer it in midst of
broadlight someone might think that they stole it.

They decided that two people will guard bag of golds

and the other one will buy foods and drink for them.
This was decided through picking up drawing straws.
Pardoners Tale

Then the story of Pardoners end. Leaving lessons

that gluttony, lechery, and gambling will do no good.
When he is about to collect money and other
valuable things as pardon for the donators sins. The
pardoners think that host must be the first to buy
relic and kissed it. Because in his perspective the
host is the most sinner because he runs a tavern. But
the host refused to make a donation and everybody
laugh at the pardoner. Then a knight stopped calm
the host offer that put the matter behind them.
Modern-Day Person Similar to the Pardoner

Billy Graham
Billy Graham is a TV Evangelist. He traveled
around the country, preaching Gods word. He said
that everyone is a sinner, and will burn in hell
if they do not repent. Sometime during the year
of 1977, a bank account was found with a sum of
23 million dollars in it. To cover up this bank
account, Graham started the Samaritans Purse.
People were encouraged to give money to the
Samaritan's Purse, which provides aid to victims
of natural disaster, disease, war and poverty.
Later in the year of 1992, he was being
investigated for his use of the company plane,
and how much money he was paying himself from the
Samaritans Purse.

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