Assembly On Time Management

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Assembly on Time Management

 Presented By VI H
UAE National Anthem
Indian National Anthem
Thought For The Day

 No amount of money can buy

the moment lost
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So What Is Tiwe Management ?
• Time management is
the act or process of
exercising conscious
control over the
amount of time spent
on specific activities,
especially to
increase efficiency
or productivity. Time
management may be
aided by a range of
skills, tools, and
techniques used to 
manage time when
specific tasks,
projects and goals.
Time Management
• This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and
these include planning, allocating, setting goals,
delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring,
organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially, time
management referred to just business or work
activities, but eventually the term broadened to include
personal activities as well. A time management system
is a designed combination of processes, tools,
techniques, and methods. Usually time management is
a necessity in any project development as it determines
the project completion time and scope.
Don’t Know How To Use Your Time?
Read This
• Here are some of the different methods of studying:
• Reading a text book
• Listening to audio or watching videos
• Taking notes from your text book
• Writing questions from your text book, then answering them later
• Taking past exams or practice exams
• Mind maps
• The fastest way to take in new information is by reading. You can read a
lot faster than a person can talk. Also when you are reading, you can
quickly skip through the sections that you already know or that don't
apply. Some students, however, do find that they learn a lot better from
audio or video material. 
Some Tips On Studying Routines
• Study period lengths 
The best way to study is to focus for between 40 and 90 minutes,
then take a 10 minute break where you do some kind of exercise.
Regular exercise really helps with your concentration when
• Every student spends a lot of time studying and almost every one of
them would like their studying to be more efficient. 
Here are some basic tips to manage your time better when studying 
Don't make your breaks too long. 40 minutes of studying and then a
half hour break is not effective because you then get totally out of
the flow. Of course you will need a longer break once or twice per
day for lunch and dinner, but your other breaks should be much
Some Tips On Study Routines
• Scheduling 
Setting strict times for studying is a good way to go. It's
really hard to be disciplined about this sort of thing, so
you probably need someone to help you keep to the
routine that you set. Other strategies to help you keep to
your schedule: you can put a reminder on your phone to
buzz you when it's time to study, or you can write the
times you've set for your study above your desk. 
Make sure to do your most difficult studying when you are
most alert. You can do the slightly easier stuff at other
times when you might not have quite as much energy or
On Study Some Tips Routines
• Set a list of your to-dos 

It's important to write a list of all the things

you need to study. Plan it carefully, and be
very specific on this list. So instead of
saying “study math,” write something
specific such as “read pages 34-58 of the
mathematics textbook.” When you
accomplish each task tick it off the list. 
On Study Some Tips Routines
• Watch what you eat 

Eating a lot of sugary foods is really bad

for your concentration. You need to eat
foods with a minimum of sugar, and also
reduce white bread and other simple
carbohydrates. Coffee is actually not too
bad for your concentration if you drink it
only occasionally. 
Other Important Tips
• Get plenty of sleep. Most people need at least 8
hours per night. Your brain needs sleep to
recover and to help remember information more
• Choose carefully what you do during your
relaxation and down time. Relaxing your mind is
important during study breaks, but TV, video
games and other stimulating activities will not
allow you to relax properly. Exercise, on the
other hand, is a great thing to do during a break.
Time Managment
• Time management strategies are often associated with the
recommendation to set personal goals. These goals are
recorded and may be broken down into a project, an 
action plan, or a simple task list. For individual tasks or for
goals, an importance rating may be established, deadlines
may be set, and priorities assigned. This process results in
a plan with a task list or a schedule or calendar of
activities. Authors may recommend a daily, weekly, monthly
or other planning periods associated with different scope of
planning or review.

Task list
• A task list (also to-do list or things-to-do) is a list
of tasks to be completed, such as chores or
steps toward completing a project. It is an 
inventory tool which serves as an alternative or
supplement to memory.
• Task lists are used in self-
management, grocery lists, business
management, project management,
and software development. It may involve more
than one list.
Task list organization
• Task lists are often tiered. The simplest
tiered system includes a general to-do list
(or task-holding file) to record all the tasks
the person needs to accomplish, and a
daily to-do list which is created each day
by transferring tasks from the general to-
do list.[8]
ABC analysis
• A technique that has been used in business
management for a long time is the categorization
of large data into groups. These groups are
often marked A, B, and C—hence the name.
Activities are ranked upon these general criteria:
• A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent
and important.
• B – Tasks that are important but not urgent..
• C – Tasks that are neither urgent nor important
Pareto analysis
• This is the idea that 80% of tasks can be completed in 20% of the
disposable time. The remaining 20% of tasks will take up 80% of the
time. This principle is used to sort tasks into two parts. According to
this form of Pareto analysis it is recommended that tasks that fall
into the first category be assigned a higher priority.
• The 80-20-rule can also be applied to increase productivity: it is
assumed that 80% of the productivity can be achieved by doing
20% of the tasks. If productivity is the aim of time management, then
these tasks should be prioritized higher.
• It depends on the method adopted to complete the task. There is
always a simpler and easy way to complete the task. If one uses a
complex way, it will be time consuming. So, one should always try to
find out the alternate ways to complete each task.
Thank You
• Thank you for being with us and we hope
you liked the assembly
• This Assembly was presented By Aakash

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