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Where Is Costa Rica?
Costa Rica is a country in Central America. 

It has two coastlines. The Pacific Ocean is to the south-west and the Caribbean Sea
is to the north-east.


Pacific Ocean
Different places around the world have different climates!

Name one place that is...

• hotter

• colder

• drier

• wetter
… than Costa Rica!
What Does Costa Rica Look Like?
Costa Rica has lots of different physical features, such as beaches and waterfalls. 

Around one third of the country is covered in evergreen forests. There are five
active volcanoes and many mountains, including Mount Chirripó which is the
tallest mountain in the country. It is 3819m above sea level.
What Is the Weather Like?
Costa Rica is near to the equator and has a mainly tropical climate which means
it is warm throughout the year.

In Costa Rica, the year is split into two main seasons, the wet season (from May to
November) and the dry season (from December to April).

The temperature varies across

the country but the capital city, How does this compare to the
San José, has an average weather in other places you
temperature of 21℃ (70F). have visited?
Which Animals Live in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica has over 500,000 different species of animal! There are mammals, such
as sloths, ocelots and monkeys.

Four main types of monkey live in Costa Rica.

howler monkey

spider monkey

squirrel monkey
Which Animals Live in Costa Rica?

There are over 900 different types of birds in

Costa Rica, including the resplendent quetzal,
the scarlet macaw and many hummingbird

There are also lots of fish, amphibians, insects

and reptiles in Costa Rica. Each year, four types
of sea turtle come to lay their eggs on Costa
Rican beaches. These are the endangered
hawksbill and green sea turtles and the threatened
olive ridley and leatherback sea turtles.
Crops in Costa Rica
+- Coffee has been a very +- Other crops have also +
- Cocoa is a key
important crop in Costa Rica important
for in Costa Rica,crop
a long time. The country bananas. Rica. It is used to
produces a lot of coffee every make chocolate!
How does the weather
affect the crops that
+- A lot of land is used in grow in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica for growing
foods, like pineapples,
sugar, oranges, rice and
+- A lot of people work
raising cattle for beef in agriculture in
and dairy products. Costa Rica, growing
crops and raising
Climates in Costa Rica
Different places in Costa Rica have different climates!

What is the climate like


• The great Metro area

(Heredia and San José)

• Guanacaste

• Limón

• Puntarenas

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