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NEO Literacy Corps

Capacity Building: Final Stages

20 May 2011
• Members reflect on the effectiveness of their
actions & the larger systems that impact their
• Members take concrete actions to improve
program & develop leadership skills by leading
a group process within organization.
• Host sites have documentation & training in
place to continue member efforts.
• There will be a quiz at the end!
Is This Your Topic?
Is This Your Topic?
No Topic? Plans Haven’t
Worked Out?
• Select ONE POSITIVE CHANGE you have
brought to your host site that increased:
– Quality
– Interconnectedness
– Outcomes Orientation
Remember That Marshmallow?
Reflect & Improve
Your last couple months of the project should focus
on how you can make it last after you leave:
– Create a manual or video with instructions
– Train others
– Document & share your success story with specific tips
– Create workgroup or schedule for continued discussion
What to Expect in August

End of Year Poster Presentation
Our presentations & recognition will be in a
large, central location on Wednesday,
August 4th at 5:30pm. Host sites, clients,
funders, and the public will be invited.
Before the event, members will set up posters.
As guests arrive, you will stand by them to
discuss & answer questions.
Why A Poster?
A poster is a summary of:
• What you did (Introduction),
• How you did it (Design or Methods),
• What happened (Results), and
• What you learned in the process
Tips for Posters
Someone standing 3 feet away should be able to identify each
element & understand why it is there. Elements can include:

Title (topic)
Pictures or illustrations
Headings & text blocks
Statistics, graphs or charts

You can also create brochures, flyers, or other handouts to

give to guests who are interested in your project.
ANY & ALL final publications for this project (training
powerpoints, posters, brochures, online information)
MUST include the following:

–Project Title
–Your Name & Host Site
–NEO Literacy Corps Service Member
–Logo of Ohio Community Service Council

Requirements (Cont’d)
Thanks to NEO Literacy Corps generous sponsors:
–Ohio Community Service Council
–Corporation for National & Community Service
–George Gund Foundation
–Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
– Bruening Foundation
–The Cleveland Foundation
–Key Bank Foundation
–Underwritten by Charter One Foundation
–Third Federal Bank Foundation 
Over Lunch


Small Groups:
Katie Brickman Jessie Bruder Stanley Griffin
Molly Womack Kailey Kawolics Shanda Lawrence
Stephanie Riccobene Tracy Morrow Elyshia Menkin
Dario Baker Tom Holdren* Leah Kasmenn

Marcia Bufford Betty Ash
Matt Kilbane Esther Rosenow
Elisa Bredendiek* Matt Rumizen
Elyse Anderson Amanda Krol
Please Hand in Your Reports
Reflect & Refine
• Reflect on your leadership in this process:
– What three words would describe your leadership
– What have you learned about working with others?
– Is there anything you will change about your
You have 10 minutes to discuss. Make sure each
person has the chance to answer.
• HOW will you make sure your efforts last after
you leave? Will you:
– Create a manual or video with instructions
– Train others
– Document & share your success story with specific tips
– Create workgroup or schedule for continued discussion

• TO WHOM will you pass on your knowledge

& responsibility for this project?
You have 10 minutes for discussion. Please make sure each person get a chance to
Final Project Timeline
• Please create 2 copies of a draft or revision
of your final project timeline (handout).
• Hand one in now & take the second to
review with your host site supervisor next
AmeriCorps Week Report
Thanks to NEO Literacy Corps’
Generous Sponsors:
–Ohio Community Service Council
–Corporation for National & Community Service
–George Gund Foundation
–Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
– Bruening Foundation
–The Cleveland Foundation
–Key Bank Foundation
–Underwritten by Charter One Foundation
–Third Federal Bank Foundation 

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