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The legal

t of
Presentation-Rahim Rzazade
The man who sued
Red bull for not
growing wings
Red Bull is another huge brand that used
very good marketing techniques over time
to grow their brand and make it famous
worldwide.Every advert created by Red Bull
is associated with its famous slogan “Red
Bull gives you wings” through which they
try to define to the customer the high
content of energy offered by this drink.
The drink won’t give
you wings
● However, in 2013 their slogan was
about to be tested by a customer who
felt that the slogan represents false
advertising. Benjamin Careathers, a
man from America, believed that the
slogan is dishonest and therefore
sued the company on the accusation
Benjamin Careathers of false advertising!
Benjamin’s viewpoint
● The misleading part which
Benjamin used in the lawsuit was
that the energy drink does not offer
as much energy as advertised, as a
250ml can of Red Bull has less
caffeine than a cup of coffee.
“Such deceptive conduct and practices
mean that Red Bull’s advertising and
marketing is not just ‘puffery,’ but it
instead deceptive and fraudulent and it
therefore actionable,” the lawsuit stated.
Red bull Still believed
in its wings
Even with the evidence on the table
down to a scientific point, Red Bull
never pled guilty as they believed
that this is just one unsatisfied
customer. This is one of the biggest
mistakes that Red Bull could have
made, as I believe they don’t
understand “the power of the
Even so, Red Bull kept their own
beliefs, stating that none of their
marketing is dishonest:
“Red Bull settled the lawsuit to avoid
the cost and distraction of litigation.
However, Red Bull maintains that its
marketing and labeling have always
been truthful and accurate, and denies
any and all wrongdoing or liability,” the
company officially stated in August
Ending of Lawsuit
● In 2015 when the lawsuit
ended, customers received $13
million in compensation.
● After the lawsuit Red Bull also
changed its slogan to “Red Bull
gives you wiiings” because this
word isn’t in dictionary nor can
be used for an exact meaning.
In conclusion
● It will never matter how many
customers we are talking about
nor how big the company in
which the customer is facing in
wrongdoing is as this time “the
customer is always right.”

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