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Spin Valve Transistor



(07EEBEE024) Asst.Prof. Dept. E.E.
Engineering College Bikaner
What is Spin Valve Transistor?
Spin valve transistor is different from
conventional transistor. In this for
conduction spin polarization of electrons is
used. Only electrons with correct spin
polarization can travel successfully through
the device.
Spin valve transistor came into light by the advent of
Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) in 1988. GMR is 200
times stronger than ordinary Magneto Resistance.
It results from subtle electron – spin effects in ultra
multilayers of magnetic materials that cause a huge
change in electrical resistance.

Spin valve transistor is based on the spin of

electrons rather than its charge.
Every electron exist in one of the two states-
spin-up and spin-down, with spins either positive half
or negative half.
In other words, electrons can rotate either clock wise
or anti-clockwise around its own axis with constant
The two possible spin states represent ‘0’ and ‘1’ in
logical operations.
Schematic layout of the spin-valve transistor (left) and a transmission
electron microscope image of the cross section of a real device
Spin Valve Transistor:
It is based on magneto
resistance, found in
multi layers (Co-Cu-Co)
forming the base region.
The collector current
becomes strongly field
dependent, the extreme
magneto sensitivity
makes the transistor, an
interesting device for
high technology hard
disks and magnetic
All spintronic devices acts according to the simple
scheme: The information is stored (written) into spins
as a particular spin orientation (up or down).
The spins, being attached to mobile electrons, carry
information along a wire and the information is read at
a terminal.
Spin orientation of conduction electrons survives for
relatively long time (nanoseconds, compared to tens of
femtoseconds during which electron moment decays)
which makes spintronic device useful for memory
storage and magnetic sensor applications.
o These are used for quantum computing where
electron spin will represent a bit (called ‘qubit’) of
When electron spins are aligned, this creates a large
scale net magnetic moment.
The basic GMR device is a 3 layer sandwich of
magnetic metal (such as cobalt) with a non-
magnetic metal filling (such as silver).
A current passes through the layers consisting of
spin up and spin down electrons.
In spin valve transistor (SVT) electrons are injected in to metallic base
across a Schottky barrier (Emitter side) pass through the spin valve
and reach the opposite side (Collector side) of transistor.
When these injected electrons traverse the metallic base electrons
are above Fermi level, hence hot electron magneto transport should
be considered in Spin Valve Transistor (SVT).

The transport properties of hot electrons are different from Fermi

electrons.For example spin polarisation of Fermi electrons mainly
depends on Density Of States (DOS) at Fermi level, while the spin
polarisation of hot electron is related to the density of unoccupied
states above the fermi level.

Spin transistors have huge potential for incorporation in

stable, high sensitivity magnetic field sensors for
automotive, robotic, mechanical engg. & data storage
This may also be used as Magnetically Controlled
Parametric Amplifiers & Mixers, as magnetic signal
processors, for control of brush less DC motors & as
Magnetic Logic elements
In log applications they have the advantage over
conventional semiconductor chips that they do not
require power to maintain their memory slate. It
finds its application towards Quantum Computer, a
new trend in computing.
Here we use bits instead of bits . Qubit also
represents only 1& 0 but here they show
superposition these classical states. But it is in
pioneering stage.

1. Traditional transistors use on & off charge currents to create bits –the
binary 0&1 of Computer information. Quantum spin field effect
transistor will use up & down spin states to generate the same binary
2. A currently logic is usually carried out using conventional electrons,
while spin is used for memory. Spintronics will combine both.
3. In most Semi Conducting transistors the relative proportion of the up
& down carries types are equal.
If Ferro Magnetic material is used as the carrier source then
the ratio can be deliberately skewed in one direction.
4. Amplification and / or switching properties of the Device
can be controlled by the external magnetic field applied to
the device.
5. One of the problems of charge current electrons is that
we pack more devices together, the chip heats up. Spin
current releases heat but it is rather less.
6. Spin valve transistor uses less power than
conventional transistors,because the energy needed
to change the spin is a minute fraction of what is
needed to push a charge around.

7. Another advantage includes Non-volatility: Spins

don’t change when power is turned off.

With lack of dissipation, spintronics may be the best

mechanism for creating ever-smaller devices. The
potential market is enormous, In maybe a 10-year
timeframe, spintronics will be on par with
electronics. That's why there's a huge race going on
around the world In exploring Spintronics.

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