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Why Critical
1) I think several times before I do something.
2) I often assume and it usually works.
3) When people relay information to me, I easily believe it.
4) I tend to believe what I read.
5) I take responsibility to everything I hear and say.
6) I verify and look for basis before concluding.
7) I answer questions which I do not know.
8) I randomly click “Like” in Facebook without any reason.
9) I ask questions why I need to do my assigned tasks.
10) I just yield to whatever I am asked to do?
Critical Thinking is……
-that analyzes thought, that assesses thought, and that transforms
thought for the better.
-that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in
which the thinker improves the quality of his/her thinking by
skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and
imposing intellectual standards upon them.
-thinking that is logical, relevant, and significant, and complete.
*Raises vital questions and problems, formulating them clearly and precisely.
*Gathers and assesses relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it
effectively, comes to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them
against relevant criteria standards.
*Thinks open-mindedly within alternative systems of thoughts recognizing and
assessing assumptions, implications, and the practical consequences.
*Communicates effectively with others in figuring out solutions to complex
*Self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking, it
presupposes assent to rigorous standards or excellence and mindful command of
their use. It entails effective communication and problem solving abilities and a
commitment to overcome our native egocentrism and socio-centrism.
*Thinking and Critical Thinking are imperative in everyday life.
*There are strategies on how critical thinking can be applied to everyday tasks
in the real world as well as accepting and rejecting trends to get better result.
*Critical Thinking is an essential tool to problem-solving and responsible
“Cultivating critical thinking is an important element of change.”
“We all think. We have no choice but to think.”
“Critical Thinking is the art of taking charge of your mind.”
“Critical Thinking is vital in preparing learners in tomorrow’s world.”

“The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively

and to think critically.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)…..American Civil Rights
*Self serving egocentrism *Fair-minded, emphatic reasonability
*Tendency to dehumanize and distort others *Considering the welfare and needs of others
*Focused on getting things for ourselves and *Becoming more thoughtful, considerate, generous
satisfying our desires less selfish
*Becoming greedy, acquisitive, or selfish *Tendency to use intelligence in ways that are honest
insightful, and shows integrity
*Unkind, domineering, mean, violent, inconsiderate *Avoiding deceiving, misleading or deluding others
*Hiding our true nature from ourselves, becoming *Becoming more honest, sincere, genuine, less prejudiced
prejudiced, narrow-minded, chauvinistic or more open-minded and tolerant

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