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Breakout Room Exercise

For Rent The Runway

Determine Value Proposition
• Customer Profile Map: Jobs

What things are your customers trying to get done in their work or in their life?

• Customer Profile Map: Gains

What are the outcomes or benefits that your customers want?

(e.g. social gains, positive emotions, cost savings)

• Customer Profile Map: Pains

What annoys your customers or prevents them from getting their jobs done?
• Value Map: Products and Services
What products or services do you offer that your customer would be
interested in?

• Value Map: Gain Creators

How do your products create customer gains? How will you produce the
outcomes your customer wants?

• Value Map: Pain Relievers

How do your products alleviate customer pains? How will you reduce
the frustrations of your customer experiences?
Customer Profile Map
Value Map • Access same files on • Access same files on
multiple devices multiple devices
• Automatic Backup
GAIN CREATORS • Work through firewall • Maintain copies of
Abolishes the • Ease of use
PRODUCTS Automatic need to maintain same file at multiple
backup copies of same locations
Incremental file at multiple
Cloud based file backup which locations • Fearing connectivity
storage with JOBS+TASKS
saves bandwidth Need to carry issues carry files on
local copy
Access over USB drives that devices such as USB
multiple devices are prone to

• Loss of files
• Multiple versions of the same
• Inability to access files on the go
• Loss of portable storage devices
such as USB
Breakout Room Exercise (25mins)
Create a Customer Value Proposition Map & Value Map for Rent the

In your team, choose roles (Split into Founding team & Potential

Ask the necessary questions & fill-up these slides

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