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Who is the product
The product manager
is an extremely important You will typically find
person in an product managers at
companies that build
organization. software or products for
customers, or business-
to-business (B2B) use.

Who is the product
The product manager
is basically the CEO of They are responsible for
the product. the strategy and road
map for the product, as
well as the team of
employees that are
involved in every step of
making the product.

Business to Business

The exchange of products or services

between businesses, instead of

between businesses and consumers

The product manager has the responsibility of
analyzing the markets and watching the competition,
and laying out the initial product vision based on his
The product manager has duties that are both
strategic and tactical, and must have excellent
leadership skills.
He or she must be able to bridge the gaps between
the many different teams working on a product, from
design and engineering to sales and marketing.

Main responsibilities of the Product Manager

Strategy – The product manager is tasked

with setting the product vision statement and
developing the strategy. They must be able to
explain what the customer wants to their

Main responsibilities of the Product
Releases – The product Ideation – The product
manager must be able to manager must be able to
plan for when products bring new ideas to the table.
They take these ideas and
will be delivered, and
turn them into products and
work with their team to their features.
make sure those
deliveries happen on time.
They can decide when to They are able to differentiate
between good and bad
release a product, and
ideas, and have an innate
when not sense of which ideas will
work best for the product line.

Main responsibilities of the Product
Features – The product Go-to-market – The product
manager must be able to manager is the CEO of that
define the product product.
features, and what is This means they make all the
required to bring those decisions that are required to
bring the product to market or
to the product. deliver it to the customer.
This also means being able
to work with both the
customer and the product


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