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2. Comparing different Coding

languages designed to make GUI’s
❏ Python:
Python is a high-level programming language used as a
general purpose language.This language has a very large
standard library.It belongs to a Dynamically typed language.It
also has automatically memory management.
Writing a python programme that uses a graphical user
interface(GUI) to interact with the user involves using the
provided libraries that come with the python language.
using these special libraries, Python will interact with the
operating system to present windows, buttons, and event
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handlers to detect what a user is doing with the keyboard and

mouse. By learning a few important methods, a programmer
won't find Python GUI development difficult as well.
● Improves productivity
● Interpreted language
● Easy-to-integrate with other programming language
● Difficult-to-interact Database layer
● Prose to cause runtime errors
● Inefficient memory consumption

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❏ C and C++:
C and C++ are interesting because they are commonly the go-
to language for graphics rendering. However, this is not
because they are easy to use in said environments, but
because of the fact that they are compiled. The compilation into
native machine code usually means they outperform most other
● Using C and C++ in a graphical environment enhances
speed.(Consider if speed is very important)
● While there are cross-platform GUI libraries available for
C/C++, they are not the easiest to use simply due to
their complex nature compared to other languages. 4
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❏ Java:
Since one of Java’s focuses is to be cross-platform, the GUI
packages available work on most Java-enabled devices. The
two main packages available for Java GUI applications are
AWT (not recommended),and Swing. One neat feature when
using an IDE like eclipse is that you can graphically design a
GUI application,which can save huge amounts of time during
the design stage.
● Java also has libraries available for graphical routines
which allows both 2D and 3D rendering of graphics.
● Graphical coding environment is its speed,which does
not perform well. 5
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Modern languages (Java, Python,etc.) have adapted
themselves to suit modern needs, such as the use of
graphical interfaces, while older languages are slowly
falling behind.
Of course, older languages such as C and C++ have
massive performance boosts being compiled into native
code, but this causes issues when trying to make a
cross-platform application.
Hence, the conclusion is this that java will probably the
best language to use.

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