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Finding the Term of an

Arithmetic Sequence
The n term of an arithmetic sequence

with first term a1 and common difference

d is given by:
an = a1 + d (n-1)
A. Find the 21st term of the arithmetic
sequence: 6, 9, 12, 15,…
a. From the sequence, a1 = 6 , d = 3, and n = 21.
b. Using the formula, substitute these values.
a21 = 6 + 3 (21 – 1)
a21 = 6 + 3 (20)
a21 = 6 + 60
a21 = 66
c. Thus, the 21st term is 66.
1. Find the 34 term of the

arithmetic sequence: 6, 9, 12, 15,

1. Find the 34th term of the arithmetic
sequence: 6, 9, 12, 15,…
a. From the sequence, a1 = 6 , d = 3, and n = 34.
b. Using the formula, substitute these values.
a34 = 6 + 3 (34 – 1)
a34 = 6 + 3 (33)
a34 = 6 + 99
a34 = 105
c. Thus, the 34th term is 105.
B. In the arithmetic sequence: 7, 10, 13, 16, . . .;
find n if an = 304.
a. From the sequence, a1 = 7, d = 3, and an = 304.
b. Using the formula, substitute these values.
an = a1 + d (n-1)
304 = 7 + 3 (n – 1)
304 = 7 + 3n – 3
304 = 4 + 3n 304 – 4 = 3n
300 = 3n n = 100
c. Thus, 304 is the 100th term of the sequence
2. In the arithmetic sequence: 8,
14, 20, 26, . . .; find n if an = 302.
2. In the arithmetic sequence: 8, 14, 20, 26, . . .;
find n if an = 302.
a. From the sequence, a1 = 8, d = 6, and an = 302.
b. Using the formula, substitute these values.
an = a1 + d (n-1)
302 = 8 + 6 (n – 1)
302 = 8 + 6n – 6
302 = 2 + 6n
300 = 6n
n = 50
c. Thus, 302 is the 50th term of the sequence
C. The 3rd term of an arithmetic sequence is 8
and the 16th term is 47. Find d, and the 71st term
a. From the sequence, a3 = 8 and a16 = 47
b. These imply that:
a3 = a1 + d (3-1) a16 = a1 + d (16-1)
8 = a1 + d (3-1) 47 = a1 + d (16-1)
8 = a1 + 2d Eq. 1 47 = a1 + 15d Eq. 2
C. The 3rd term of an arithmetic sequence is 8
and the 16th term is 47. Find d, and the 71st term
c. Using Eq. 1 and Eq. 2, solve for a1 and d.
By subtracting Eq. 2 by Eq. 1, then:
To solve for a1, substitute d = 3 to either Eq. 1 or Eq. 2. Using Eq. 1:
8 = a1 + 2(3)
8 = a1 + 6
a1 = 2
Thus, the nth term of the arithmetic sequence is an = 2 + 3(n-1)
C. The 3rd term of an arithmetic sequence is 8
and the 16th term is 47. Find d, and the 71st term
d. Using an = 2 + 3(n-1), we can solve for the 71st term.
a71 = 2 + 3(71-1)
a71 = 2 + 3(70)
a71 = 2 + 210
a71 = 212
3. The 5 term of an arithmetic

sequence is 26 and the 21 term is


106. Find d, and the 55 term

3. The 5th term of an arithmetic sequence is 26
and the 21st term is 106. Find d, and the 55th term
a. From the sequence, a5 = 26 and a21 = 106
b. These imply that:
a5 = a1 + d (5-1) a21 = a1 + d (21-1)
26 = a1 + d (5-1) 106 = a1 + d (21-1)
26 = a1 + 4d Eq. 1 106 = a1 + 20d Eq. 2
3. The 5th term of an arithmetic sequence is 26
and the 21st term is 106. Find d, and the 55th term
Solution: 106 = a1 + 20d
c. Using Eq. 1 and Eq. 2, solve for a1 and d.
- 26 = a1 + 4d
80 = 16d
By subtracting Eq. 2 by Eq. 1, then:
To solve for a1, substitute d = 5 to either Eq. 1 or Eq. 2. Using Eq. 1:
26 = a1 + 4(5)
26 = a1 + 20
a1 = 6
Thus, the nth term of the arithmetic sequence is an = 6 + 4(n-1)
3. The 5th term of an arithmetic sequence is 26
and the 21st term is 106. Find d, and the 55th term
d. Using an = 6 + 5(n-1), we can solve for the 55th term.
a55 = 6 + 5(55-1)
a55 = 6 + 5(54)
a55 = 6 + 270
a55 = 276
D. After one second, a rocket is 30ft above the ground. After another second,
it is 85 feet above the ground. Then after another second, it is already 140
feet above the ground. If it continues to rise at this rate, how many feet
above the ground will the rocket be after 16 seconds?

a. From the problem we let the given be
a1 = 30 a2 = 85 a3 = 140
b. Find first d by substituting the given value of a and a in the formula then
an = a1 + d (n-1)
85= 30 + d (2-1)
55 = d
D. After one second, a rocket is 30ft above the ground. After another second,
it is 85 feet above the ground. Then after another second, it is already 140
feet above the ground. If it continues to rise at this rate, how many feet
above the ground will the rocket be after 16 seconds?

c. To find a6, the unknown in the problem substitute the
obtained value of d and the given value of a1 in the formula then
a16 = a1 + d (16-1) = 30 + 55 (16-1) = 855
d. Thus, the rocket will b 855ft above the ground after 16
Find the specified nth term of each arithmetic

_________1. 2, 5, 8, …; 9th term

_________ 2. 3, 5 7, …; 20th term
_________ 3. 1, , 0, …; 16th term
_________ 4. 5, 11, 17, …; 9th term
_________ 5. 26, 22, 18, …; 40th term
Arithmetic Means
The first and last terms of a finite arithmetic
sequences are called arithmetic extremes, and
the terms in between are called arithmetic means
In the sequence 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24; the terms 4
and 24 are the arithmetic extremes, while 8, 12,
16, and 20 are the arithmetic means. Also, 8 is the
arithmetic mean of the arithmetic extremes, 4 and
The arithmetic mean between two numbers
is sometimes called the average of two
numbers. If more than one arithmetic
means will be inserted between two
arithmetic extremes, the formula for d,
which is d = , can be used.
The formula for d can be used to find
the arithmetic means if more than one
arithmetic means will be inserted
between two arithmetic extremes.
A. What is the arithmetic mean between 10
and 24?
a. Using the average formula, get the arithmetic
mean of 10 and 24.
b. Thus, = 17 is the arithmetic mean.
What is the arithmetic mean
between 5 and 19?
What is the arithmetic mean between 5 and
a. Using the average formula, get the arithmetic
mean of 5 and 19.
b. Thus, = 12 is the arithmetic mean.
B. Insert three arithmetic means between 8 and 16.

a. If three arithmetic means will be inserted
between 8 and 16, then a1= 8 and a5 = 16.
b. Using the formula for d, compute for the
common difference.
d= = == = =2
B. Insert three arithmetic means between 8 and 16.

c. The arithmetic means are a2, a3, and a4.
a2 = a1 + d = 8 + 2 = 10
a3 = a2 + d = 10 + 2 = 12
a4 = a3 + d = 12 + 2 = 14
d. Thus, the three arithmetic means between the arithmetic
extremes, 8 and 16, are 10, 12, and 14.
C. Insert two arithmetic means
between and 4
C. Insert two arithmetic means between and 4
a. If two arithmetic means will be inserted between and
4, then a1= and a4 = 4.
b. Using the formula for d, compute for the common
d= = = = =
C. Insert two arithmetic means between and 4
c. The arithmetic means are a2 and a3
a2 = a1 + d = + = 2
a3 = a2 + d = 2 + = 3
d. Thus, the two arithmetic means between and are 2 and
D. Find the missing terms of the
arithmetic sequence: _____, 6,
_____, _____, 30.
D. Find the missing terms of the arithmetic sequence:
_____, 6, _____, _____, 30.
a. The arrangement of the terms tells that a 2 = 6 and a5 =
30. We are supposed to find for a1, a3, and a4.
b. To find for the unknown, determine the common
difference (d)
d= = = = =8
D. Find the missing terms of the arithmetic sequence:
_____, 6, _____, _____, 30.
c. Thus, the value of a1, a3, and a4 are:
a1 = a2 – d = 6 – 8 = –2
a3 = a2 + d = 6 + 8 = 14
a4 = a3 + d = 14 + 8 = 22
Insert the specified number of arithmetic means
between the two given arithmetic extremes
_______________ 1. Three arithmetic means between 2 and 22.
_______________ 2. Four arithmetic means between 8 and 23.
_______________ 3. Two arithmetic means between 41 and 95.
_______________ 4. Two arithmetic means between -5 and 1.
_______________ 5. Two arithmetic means between 97 and 172.
Insert the specified number of arithmetic means
between the two given arithmetic extremes
_______________ 1. Three arithmetic means between 2 and 22.
_______________ 2. Four arithmetic means between 8 and 23.
_______________ 3. Two arithmetic means between 41 and 95.
_______________ 4. Two arithmetic means between -5 and 1.
_______________ 5. Two arithmetic means between 97 and 172.

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