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Business Communication

Chapter 8
Writing Negative Messages

Chapter 8 - 1
Using the Three-Step Writing
Process for Negative Messages
(LO 8.1) Apply the three-step writing process
to negative messages.

Chapter 8 - 2
Step 1: Planning
Negative Messages
Consider Your Audience and Purpose
Planning Elements

Gather the Information You Need

Choose the Right Media and Channel

Choose the Best Approach

Chapter 8 - 3
Choosing the Approach

Do You Need to Get the Reader’s Attention?

Does the Reader Prefer a Direct Approach?

How Important Is the News to the Reader?

Will the Negative News Come as a Shock?

Chapter 8 - 4
Step 2: Writing
Negative Messages
Write with Clarity and Sensitivity
Writing Elements

Clarify Your Qualifications

Observe Communication Etiquette

Choose Positive, Productive Words

Chapter 8 - 5
Step 3: Completing
Negative Messages
Completing Elements

Revise Your Content

Produce Professional Documents

Proofread Your Work Carefully

Deliver Messages Promptly

Chapter 8 - 6
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 7
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 8
Using the Direct Approach for
Negative Messages
(LO 8.2) Explain how to use the direct
approach effectively when conveying negative

Chapter 8 - 9
Opening with a Clear
Statement of the Bad News
Use the Introductory Paragraph

Avoid Being Overly Blunt

Transition into the News

State Why You’re Writing, If Needed

Chapter 8 - 10
Providing Reasons and
Additional Information
Explain Why the News Is Negative

Consider the Nature of the News

Assess Your Relationship with Readers

Determine Whether to Apologize

Chapter 8 - 11
Closing on a Respectful Note

Show Respect for the Recipient

Consider Alternative Solutions

Try to Include Positive Statements

Avoid Creating False Hopes

Chapter 8 - 12
Using the Indirect Approach for
Negative Messages
(LO 8.3) Explain how to use the indirect
approach effectively when conveying negative
news and explain how to avoid ethical
problems when using this approach.
Chapter 8 - 13
Opening with a Buffer

• Express Your Appreciation

• Assure Your Reader
• Show That You Understand
• Introduce the Subject Matter
• Establish Common Ground

Chapter 8 - 14
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 15
Providing Reasons and
Additional Information
Introduce Negative Points Gradually

Provide Concise, Sufficient Details

Don’t Hide Behind Company Policy

Chapter 8 - 16
Continuing with a Clear
Statement of the Bad News
•Deemphasize the Bad News

•Use a Conditional Statement

•Stress What You Can Do or Have Done

Chapter 8 - 17
Closing on a Respectful Note

Avoid an Uncertain Conclusion

Limit Future Correspondence

Express Optimism, if Appropriate

Be Sincere and Avoid Clichés

Chapter 8 - 18
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 19
Sending Negative Messages on
Routine Business Matters
(LO 8.4) Describe successful strategies for
sending negative messages on routine
business matters.

Chapter 8 - 20
Making Unexpected
Negative Announcements
1 Open with a Buffer

2 Provide Reasons and Information

3 Deliver the Announcement

4 Close the Message Appropriately

Chapter 8 - 21
Rejecting Suggestions
and Proposals

Unsolicited Proposals


Solicited Proposals

Chapter 8 - 22
Refusing Routine Requests

Manage Your Time Carefully

If The Matter’s Closed, Say So

Offer Alternatives, If Possible

Don’t Imply Further Assistance

Chapter 8 - 23
Handling Bad News
About Transactions
These Messages Have Three Goals

Modify the Customer’s Expectations

Explain Your Plan of Action

Repair the Business Relationship

Chapter 8 - 24
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 25
Refusing Claims and Requests
for Adjustments
Employ These Avoid These
• Positive Tone • Negative Tone
• Understanding • Accusations
• Explanations, Facts • Abusive Language
• Appropriate Close • Anger or Malice
Chapter 8 - 26
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 27
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 8 - 28
Sending Negative
Employment Messages
(LO 8.5) Describe successful strategies for
sending negative employment-related

Chapter 8 - 29
Refusing Requests
for Recommendations
Requested by Requested by
Employers Employees

Conciseness Diplomacy
Directness Preparation
Chapter 8 - 30
Refusing Social Networking
Recommendation Requests

Three Basic
Approaches Refraining

Chapter 8 - 31
Rejecting Job Applications
• Personalize the message.
• Express your appreciation.
• Remain courteous and polite.
• Avoid offering explanations.
• Don’t imply future consideration.
• Close with a positive, courteous tone.

Chapter 8 - 32
Giving Negative
Performance Reviews
• Document performance problems.
• Evaluate all employees consistently.
• Maintain a calm objective tone.
• Focus on opportunities for improvement.
• Keep job descriptions up to date.

Chapter 8 - 34
Terminating Employment

Present Reasons Avoid Insults

Don’t Discriminate Seek Advice

Obey Policy & Law Deliver in Person

Chapter 8 - 35
Sending Negative
Organizational News
(LO 8.6) List the important points to consider
when conveying negative organizational

Chapter 8 - 36
Guidelines for
Negative Announcements
Match the Approach to the Situation

Consider the Needs of Each Group

Minimize the Element of Surprise

Plan and Manage a Response

Chapter 8 - 37
Guidelines for
Negative Announcements
Be Positive But Not Falsely Optimistic

Seek the Advice of Experts

Use Multiple Channels to Reach Out

Be Open and Transparent

Chapter 8 - 38
Chapter 8 - 39
Responding to Negative Information
in a Social Media Environment
(LO 8.7) Describe an effective strategy for
responding to negative information in a social
media environment.

Chapter 8 - 40
Challenges of Social Media

●Responding to Rumors

●Refuting False Information

●Defending Against Attacks

Chapter 8 - 41
Responding to Rumors and
Countering Negative Information
1 Engage Early, Engage Often

2 Monitor the Conversation

3 Evaluate All Negative Messages

4 Make the Appropriate Response

Chapter 8 - 42
Thank You

Chapter 8 - 43

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