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By:Rhea Dela Cruz
What is social media addiction

◦ Social media affecting
daily life
Spending To Much Time In Social Media
◦ Hard to tell whether someone is addicted to
social media.
◦ Addiction is a uncontrollable behaviour
that leads to negative effects.
Social media affecting daily life

◦ Someone addicted to social media can use up a lot

of time on social media.Time for work or anything
else could be replaced.
◦ Someone who is addicted may not have a sense of
time, not allowing them to use their time effectively.
Causes of social media addiction

The notifications from social

media sites

Social media gives us a sense

of self-worth

Social media gives us a sense of enjoyment

The notifications from social Social media gives us a sense
media sites of self-worth

◦ When we recieve notifications from ◦ When someone likes something we

social media sites, we get excited. posted on social media, we will feel
◦ This causes us to want to visit those sites better about ourself.
more often. ◦ This makes us rely on social media sites
◦ Making us spend more time on them, for social interaction.
getting us addicted to social media. ◦ Motivating us to use social media more
Effects of social media addiction

Unhappy When not using social


◦ People addicted to social media

Will isolate themselves.
Being addicted will cause people to have some
Unhappy when not using People addicted to social
social media media will isolate themselves

◦ People addicted to social media ◦ People addicted will chose to be

makes people feel excited or isolated especially when using
happy when using social media. social media.
◦ So when they are away from it, ◦ This is because they rely on social
they will be less happy. media for their social interactions.
◦ This makes them seem more ◦ So they will choose social media
restless as well. over their friends around them.
Preventing social media addiction

Turn off our notifications

Set a timer for ourselves

Limit our use of social media everyday

Turn off our notifications Set a timer for ourself

◦ Turning off notifications will ◦ Limit our use of social media,

allow you to focus on other more slowly getting rid of our
important work . addiction.
◦ And not be distracted by the ◦ When we reach our limit, we
notifications, not motivating you should not be tempted to
to use social media. continue using social media.
◦ Social media addiction is a problem that
disrupts our daily lives with different
symptoms but can be prevented and
managed in different ways.

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