Starbucks: Reinventing The Brand With All Your Senses..

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Reinventing the brand

with all your senses...
Pitch Team
Pej Amir, Moby Siddique, Sargeena Tom,
David Issa & Vlad
Australia’s Coffee Culture
The social coffee culture in born from Greek & Italian influence
in the 1930s.

Cafe coffee consumption a relaxing and luxurious experience > ‘no

table service’ is shunned & paper cups are disliked.

Coffee culture in Australia is Unique and is a social, multi-sensory


Successful Cafes accommodate the Australian Coffee culture

by appealing to the five senses
Successful coffee houses or cafés accommodate the Australian coffee culture by appealing to the five senses
Australia’s Coffee Culture

QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Starbucks Today
In 2008: Cafe/Bar industry sales increased 3% to A$5,291

In 2008: Starbucks entire business operation reduced from 64

to just 23.

Despite a growing industry Starbucks venture was a failure.

Failure to adapt to Australian coffee culture seen as prime

reason for business failure
Pitch Team Field Study
Visit provided important insight to
current Servicescape of a Starbucks ‘Cafe’
Pitch Team Field Study
The near capacity Haymarket
store was poorly maintained
Aged Decor (peeling signs, irrelevant
Little regard for cleanliness

During our 90 minute

visit only once did a staff
member visit the seating
Zero floor maintenance
during that time was
Pitch Team Field Study
Loiterers were given free
reign (moving furniture,
Deterred potential paying
customers from visiting.
Our Multi-sensory Solution
Obvious mismatch Starbucks & Ideal Coffee Culture.
Pitch Objectives, Strategy & Desired Impact:-
Transform Consumption experiences from the current
mediocre state to a complete multi-sensory embodied
Where applicable, formation of a local, communal brand image
defined by micro-cultural norms of a region (Speciality Stores).
IMPACT: Starbucks developing strong P.O.D that instil brand
preference & a premium brand image
Multi-sensory Execution Summary

Smell: Grinding coffee releasing fresh aromas to customers

walking past store.

Taste: High standard, trained Baristas, tailor certain speciality

stores to Geographic locations i.e. Italian, Arabic

Sound: Ambient music, Grinding/Frothing Coffee, Jingles in

Marcomm media.

Touch: Tailored and unique to Speciality Cultural stores, Egs?

Sight: Luxurious, relaxing & a natural location outside home.

Speciality Cultural Stores:
Coattailing on cultural epicentres

What is Coattailing?

Within Macro Coffee culture there exists Micro coffee culture

and can be used as a powerful source of Differentiation eg,
Arabic, Italian.

Target: Variety-Seeking Behaviour Individuals.

Categorically addresses Starbuck’s ‘failure to capture a

consumer base’ and decline in 2008
Lifeworld Emplacement

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