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Short /a/, /e/, /i/,

/o/, /u/ sound

Teacher Xy
Say these words aloud.

Short /a/ sound

candy 사탕

fancy 팬시 한

napkin 냅킨

panic 공황
salad 샐러드
Say these words aloud.

Short /e/ sound

tennis 테니스

pepper 후추

desktop 데스크탑

rest 쉬다
letter 편지
Say these words aloud.

Short /i/ sound

finish 마치다

outfit 차림새

river 강

slippers 슬리퍼
picnic 피크닉
Say these words aloud.

Short /o/ sound

pond 연못

rock 바위

mommy 엄마

hot dog 핫도그

popcorn 팝콘
Say these words aloud.

Short /u/ sound

until ~ 까지

dull 둔한

punch 펀치

buzzer 부저
drum 북
Say these sentences aloud.

Kindly sprinkle some pepper on my vegetable salad.

Press the buzzer if you want to answer.

Which do you prefer, tennis or badminton?

The century-old cemetery is not found far from the city.

Add some bright colors to the room. It looks dull.

Choose two questions that
follow. Share your ideas.

1. Are you more like a city or a far away town?

2. Are you more like a red or a blue?
3. Are you more like a beach or a mountain?
4. Are you more like a dog or a cat?
From the activity, what nouns did you and your partner
use I the discussion? Try to recall them.
Say these words aloud.

Soft /c/ sound

circle cemetery cereal

cell phone centerpiece centimeter

center cinema bicycle

certificate cinnamon decision

ceramics faces circus
Say these words aloud.

hard /c/ sound

cab carrot cut

can cucumber cyclone

could crunch cone

can’t candle cookie

cold coat call
Say these sentences aloud.

The movie, Ciderella, was shown in several cinemas.

The centennial celebration of the founding of the center will be

held in Cebu.

The century-old cemetery is not far from the city.

Can you pass me that carrot over there?

Can you call your brother? Tell him to light the candles already.

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