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1.0 Introduction to Chemistry

1.1 Development in chemistry field and its importance in daily
1.2 Scientific investigation in chemistry
1.3 Usage, management and handling of apparatus and materials
What is Chemistry?
Why Chemistry is so Important?
1.1 Development in chemistry field
Development in chemistry field and its
importance in daily life
1.2 Scientific investigation in chemistry
Steps in scientific method
• To Make an Observation
• To Ask a Question
• To do Complete Background Research
• Develop a Hypothesis
• Test your Hypothesis
• Analyze the Data
• Conclusion (Report and Share)
Step 1: Observation
• An observation is the beginning of everything
• What you perceive with your senses? What
can you observe about the chosen topic?
Step 2: Forming a Question
• Based on your observations
• Developing a problem that can be solved by
the process of experimenting
• Usually a “How’ or “Why” question?
Step 3: Complete Background Research

• Have the subject knowledge and collect

information needed to know about the
subject of the experiment
• This is used to build the hypothesis
Step 4: Develop a Hypothesis
• Hypothesis is a well jotted out forecast to the answer of the
certain problem
• It is carried out based on research and prior knowledge.
• An answer to the question framed.
• There is no right or wrong hypothesis using our question lets
develop a hypothesis.
• Format of Hypothesis
• Generally two formats are used: “If…then…because…” and “I
• Both formats include the all important “because statement”
used to justify our supposed forecast.
Step 5: Conduct the Experiment and test the
• This is where an experiment is conducted.
• A set of repetitive methods is developed to
conduct the experiment.
• The main aim is to test our hypothesis by collecting
the facts and data
• Includes variables – a measuring quantity that is
used or changed during the experiment.
• What are our variables used in the experiment?
• Independent variable or dependent variable
Step 6: Collect and Analyze the Data
• Organizing the data and solving the problem with
the calculations
• Explaining the data gathered from the
• Lastly, observations, information and data are
collected from the experiment.
• Use of pictorial representation via charts, graphs,
averages, percentages, etc.

Step 7: Conclusion

A summary of results, the answer to the chosen question.

• What could go wrong and what are the possible sources of
• Does your data (answer) support your hypothesis? Why or
why not? What conclusion can you make about your topic
• To check whether the data supports the hypothesis.
• Revise
• Yes then you made a scientific Discovery!!
• If No make a new hypothesis and test again
Answer the following

• What is the Scientific Method?

• What is forming question?
• How to test your hypothesis?
• How will you analyze data?
• What is the process of conclusion?

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