The Concept of God in Islam

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The Concept of God

By: Mohamad Rapik
God in Islam
● In Islam, there are names to call God. The names are
special and refer to He whom is believed the only God.
In the holy Quran, they are called asmaul husna (the
beautiful names of God)
● In addition to the names, al-Ilah which literally means
god is commonly used to refer to God in His essence.
● Rabb is used to refer to God as the King or Lord of the
● Among the names of God, Allah is the most special and
precise name in Islam.
Believe in God/Allah
A. God is believed from the elaboration of
● 1. Al-Quran
● 2. Al-Hadits Dalil Naqli

B. He also believed by ways rational and

experiental explanations, i.e natural law
(Dalil aqli)
The Oneness of Allah
● In Islam, the concept of God is monoteist, Muslims believe in
only one God as the centre and the cause of everything.
● Tawhid is any efforts to make one or to assert the oneness of
God. It needs not only a belief but also a statement of syahadah
(“witness”): “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His
God & Human’s Action
In Islamic Theology, the relationship of God and
man is usually described through God’s action upon
● Jabariah: Human are not free
● Muktazilah/qadariyah: Human are free
● Ahlussunnah wal jama’ah: Human are free but
bound at the same time.
The Fundamentals of Iman
● Believe in Allah
● Believe in the Angels
● Believe in the Books of Allah
● Believe in Messengers of Allah
● Believe in the Day of Judgment
● Believe in God’s Predestination
Why should we believe?
● To avoid Allah’s anger
● We will lose our guidance / we will go astray
● Iman helps us be more powerful/stronger
Thank You

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