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The 19th Century World of Dr.

Jose Rizal
Important developments during the 19th century:
 Growth and Development of Nationalism
 Nationalism is a sense of loyalty or psychological attachment
members of a nation share based on a common language,
history, culture and desire for independence. It is a feeling
that drives a people together as a nation.
 The growth of nationalism can be attributed to 2 major
The American Revolution of 1775-1789
French Revolution of 1779- 1789
 French Revolution’s ideology is anchored on:
Liberty, Fraternity and Equality

 Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy

 This was a consequence of the growth and development of nationalism.
 The principal ideas were: liberty and equality

 The Industrial Revolution

 This refers to the transformation of manufacturing brought about by the
invention and use of machines which started in England and later on
spread to Belgium, France , Germany and USA.
 The invention of machines and their use in manufacturing brought about
significant changes in people’s lives and these positive changes include
the following:
• The rise of the factory system
• Mass production of essential and non-essential goods
• Improvement of people’s standard of living
• Greater urbanization of society
• Beginnings of specialization or division of labor
• Invention of labor saving devices
• The beginnings of imperial capitalism
• Fostering of liberalism and nationalism
• Encouragement of people’s mobility
 Negative effects were:
• Widening of the gap between the rich and the poor
• Unending economic warfare between labor and capital
• Pollution and other environmental problems
• Beginning of child and woman labor
• Intensification of imperialistic rivalry between and among the
industrialized countries.

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