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Definition of The Contemporary World

• 1. contemporary world - the
circumstances and ideas of the present
age; "in modern times like these" modern
times, modern world, present times.
• times - a more or less definite period of
time now or previously present; "it was a
sign of the times"
What is contemporary world example?

• The definition of contemporary is existing at the
same time or of the present time period.
• An example of contemporary are the works of
Philip Roth, J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Stephen
King, James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, and Tom
• An example of contemporary is furniture in the
modern style.
Why do we study contemporary world?

• The aim of the Contemporary

World program is to help adult learners
become interested in
•  contemporary world problems and issues
that all societies face, develop competencies
and construct knowledge.
• concerns. We compare our own point of view
with that of others, thus increasing our
critical judgment.
What was the beginning of contemporary world?

• The beginning of the modern world began

with the industrial revolution that created a
competition between USA, England, France,
Austria, Germany, followed by Russia, Japan
and Italy.
• The renaissance of the 17th century was
the root that sparked a new era in the way
humans will change the world from then
What are the contemporary world issues?

• The dynamics of global interactions among

nations and regions present issues that
affect all humanity.
• These dynamics include:
competing beliefs and goals;
 methods of engagement;
and conflict and cooperation.

• Dynamics – aggressive;changing
The Student
in the Contemporary World
What is global dimension in contemporary world?

• By 'global dimension', we mean (very

broadly) 'exploring the world's
• With a global dimension to their education,
learners have a chance to engage with
complex global issues and explore the links
between your own lives and people, places
and issues throughout the world.
What is globalization in contemporary world subject?

The student will analyze globalization in the

contemporary world.
Globalization is often used to refer to
economic globalization, that is, integration of
national economies into the international
economy through trade, foreign direct
investment, capital flows, migration, and the
spread of technology.
What is globalization in contemporary world?

• Globalization or globalization is the

process of interaction and
integration among people,
companies, and governments
• Globalization has grown due to
advances in transportation and
communication technology.
• With the increased global
interactions comes the growth of
international trade, ideas, and
The process by which businesses or
other organizations develop
international influence or start
operating on an international scale.
It describes the way countries
and people of the world
interact and integrate.
Many things have been
globalized as people come into
…. The advent of technologies
• In the advent of technologies we see
growth on transports and
Which means that countries can
exchange information and goods in a
easy way….
WHO…defines globalization
… the increase interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and
generally understood to include two
interrelated elements:
1. ..Opening of international borders ..
2. …changes in institutions and policies…
1. the opening of international borders to
increasingly fast flow of
• Goods
• Services
• Finance
• People
• Ideas
2. Changes in institution and policies at
national and international levels that
facilitate and promote such flows

Globalization has the potential for

both positive and negative effects on
development and health
• Thomas Loren Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; born July 20,
1953) is an American political commentator and
• He is a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner who is a
weekly columnist for The New York Times.
• He has written extensively on foreign affairs, global
trade, the Middle East, globalization, and
environmental issues.
Thomas Friedman

• Globalization is the inexorable

[impossible to stop or prevent]
• integration of markets ,
transportation systems, and
communication systems to a degree
never witnessed before— in a way
that is
Thomas Friedman…
• enabling corporation, countries, and
individuals to reach around the world
farther, faster, deeper and cheaper
than ever before..
And in a way---- that is enabling the
world to reach into corporations,
countries and individuals farther, faster,
deeper and cheaper too..
Friedman defines Globalization
globalization is the interweaving of
markets, technology, information systems
and telecommunications systems in a way
that is shrinking the world from a size
medium to a size small, and enabling each
of us to reach around the world farther,
faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever
before, and ...
Manfred Steger

A scholarly definition :
The term Globalization should
refer to a set of social processes
that are
thought to transform our present
social situation.
Manfred Steger
It usually refers to the integration of the
national markets to a wider global market
signified by the increased free trade.

Free trade is a trade policy that does not

restrict imports or exports;
Manfred Steger
Steger described the process of
globalization as “the expansion and
intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and
world space”
Expansion …
Refers to “both the creation of new
social networks and the multiplication
of existing connections that cut across
traditional political, economic,
cultural, and geographical boundaries”
The various connections occur at
different levels.
• Refers to the expansion, stretching
and acceleration of these networks.
Not only global connection
multiplying, but they are also
becoming more closely-knit and
expanding their reach.
• The volume of that trade increases
• Traders trade at higher speed
• The connection thus accelerates
• The world becomes more financially
• Trading has to expand and stretch to cover
more cities
• Believes that globalization process do not
occur merely at an objective, material level
but they also involve the subjective plane
of human consciousness.
• People begin to feel that the world has
become a smaller place and distance has
collapsed to just a mouse click away
Arjun Appadurai
• Arjun Appadurai (born 1949) is an Indian-American
anthropologist recognized as a major theorist in
globalization studies. In his anthropological work, he
discusses the importance of the modernity of nation states
and globalization.

• Arjun Appadurai was born in 1949 and raised in Bombay,

India, and went to the United States where he obtained a
Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He was the former
University of Chicago professor of anthropology and South
Asian Languages and Civilizations, Humanities Dean of the
University of Chicago, director of the city center and
globalization at Yale University, he was a senior tutor at New
College of the Global Initiative, and the Education and
Human Development Studies professor at NYU Steinhardt
School of Culture.
Arjun Appadurai
Believes that there are different kind of
globalization that occur on multiple
intersecting dimensions or integration
that he calls “Scapes”
Different kinds of Scapes:
1. Ethnoscape- refers the global
movement of people
Arjun Appadurai
2. Mediascape- The term "mediascape", coined
by Arjun Appadurai (1990), refers to the
electronic and print media in "global cultural
flows". For Appadurai, mediascape indexes the
electronic capabilities of production and
dissemination, as well as "the images of the
world created by these media".
• It is about the flow of culture
Arjun Appadurai
3. Ideoscape- In Arjun Appadurai's five dimensions
of global cultural flows, an ideoscape is the
movement of ideologies.
It is often political and usually has to do with the
ideologies of states and the counterideologies of
movements explicitly oriented to capturing state
power or a piece of it
• It is the realm where political ideas move
Arjun Appadurai
4. Technoscape is a term coined by Arjun
Appadurai in order to describe one of the five
dimensions of global cultural flows. ... In a
more specific scope, Technoscape is the
movement of technology (mechanical and
informational) and the ability to move such
technology at rapid speeds.
• It refers to the circulation of mechanical
goods and software
Arjun Appadurai
5. “Financescape” He sees it as one of the
perils of economic globalization, defined
as “cross‐border movements” of loans,
equities, direct and indirect
investments, and currencies that
transcend the power of the nation‐state.
• Denotes the global circulation of money
Importance of Globalization
Globalization is about the
interconnectedness of people and
businesses across the world that
eventually leads to global cultural,political
and economic integration.
It is the ability to move and communicate
easily with others all over the world in
order to conduct business internationally.
3 types of globalization
There are three main classifications of
globalization: political, social and
1. Political globalization
2. Social globalization
3. Economic globalization
Political globalization
• Political globalization refers to the
amount of political co-operation that
exists between different countries
Social globalization

Social globalization pertains to
human interaction within cultural
communities, encompassing topics
like family, religion, work and
• Social globalization refers to the
sharing of ideas and information
between and through different
• In today's world, the Internet and
social media is at the heart of this.
• Good examples of social globalization
could include internationally popular
films, books and TV series.
• There are about seven (7) major types of
• Financial globalization.
• Economic Globalization.
• Technological Globalization.
• Political Globalization.
• Cultural Globalization.
• Ecological Globalization.
• Sociological Globalization.
Economic globalization
• Economic globalization refers to the
widespread international movement of
goods, capital, services, technology and
• Economic globalization primarily
comprises the globalization of
production, finance, markets,
technology, organizational regimes,
institutions, corporations, and labour.
• Economic globalization is how
countries are coming together as one
big global economy, making
international trade better.
The Benefits of Globalization are:

• more International Trade.

• more goods & services generally available at lower
• higher quality goods & services more generally
• more Wealth in the world.
• lower Cost of Living.
• higher Standard of Living.
• Waste Reduction from greater Economic Efficiency.
Globalization may brought many
benefits to other people but not
to other people. It is not to
everyone …. This shows that
people still believed in the old
Implication of Globalization
If one country produces cheaper products Other
producers will be closed down and leads to loss of
job to others.
Every step forward especially in technology also
brings new danger
Example: Technology improves the lives of many
people, but it also increases the number of crimes
every year.
How does globalization affects society
• Globalization, or the integration
of societies and people through trade,
technology, and enhanced labor markets,
has had many positive effects on the world.

• Because of globalization, you can purchase

cheaper goods, communicate with
individuals from all over the world, and work
in just about any country.
In simple economic concept..
• The flow of products and services with
few barriers in the integration of
market, investment and trade between
• At some point, culture is also
assimilated and trade as there is an
EXCHANGE of ideas and traditions by
In simple economic concept..
The spread of Korean Pop Culture will
advance the exchange of ideas, art,
language and music like other millennials
experiencing nowadays.
Globalization makes people and goods to
move easily in different nations.

Is an event occurring in an
unprecedented pace and gives
definition to the worlds market place


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