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Economics of Compensationy

Law of Labor Demand and Supply

Dr. Moslehuddin Chowdhury Khaled

Associate Professor, Dept of General
Management and HRM
Director, CEISD
Chittagong Independent University
 Market – Demand – Supply
 Background discussion price and demand, price and
supply from Micro economics
 Law of Labor demand – labor demand schedule - curve
 Movement along the curve
 Shift of the curve
 Law of Labor Supply – Labor supply schedule - curve
 Movement along the curve
 Shift of the curve
 Assignment
What are the types of Market? –
Demand and Supply Side

Market Demand Supply

Side Side
Capital Firms/ Financial
Mkt Businesses Institutions/
Labor Firms/ Households/
Mkt Businesses individuals
Product Households/ Firms/
Mkt consumers Businesses
Capital market and Labor market – derived market –
their demand is derived from product demand
Labor demand schedule

 Labor Demand Schedule shows the relationship

between wage and no. of workers demanded in a
tabular form. The relationship is: If wage rate
increases, quantity of labor demanded decreases.

Wage rate quantity of workers

20 100
30 90
40 80
Labor demand curve
 Demand curve shows the
relationship between wage
and no. of workers demanded
in a graphical form. The
relationship is: If wage rate
increases, quantity of labor
demanded decreases.

 wage is independent variable,
is put on the y axis
 quantity of labor is QLD
dependent variable, put on No. of Workers
the x axis demanded by the
 So the labor demand curve is
negatively sloped.
Why LD curve is
downward/ negatively sloping

 Labor Demand Curve is a Downward sloping/ negative sloping Curve,

 because with a increase in wages the no. of workers demanded by the firms
 That means the relationship of wage and labor demanded is negative or
movement and shift of LD
 Thereare a number of factors that affect the
demand for labor –
 wage rate,
 product demand,
 capital price or interest rate

 Effect
of wage change can be shown as a
movement along the LD curve upward or

 Effect of other factors changes can be shown

with a shift of LD curve rightward or leftward
Movement along the LD curve / effect
of changes in wage rate

 If wage rate increases from
w2 to w1, quantity of labor
demanded decreases from
L2 to L1.

 If wage rate decreases
from w1 to w2, quantity of
labor demanded increases
from L1 to L2
L1 L2
Shift of LD curve
 If LD changes because of any factor other than wages, then
there will be a Shift in the curve.

 If LD increases at all wage rate, this can be shown as a

rightward shift in LD curve. It means more workers are
demanded by the firms at all wage rates than before.

 If LD decreases at all wage rate, this can be shown as a

leftward shift in LD curve. It means less workers are
demanded by the firms at all wage rates than before.


LD1 No. of Workers
demanded by the firms
Law of Labor supply

 If w increases, LS increases
 If w decreases, LS decreases

 Ceteris Paribas

 Show in schedule and graph

 (classroom exercise and assignment)

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