(CWC2018) Term Project Guide

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CWC 2018

Term Project Guideline

Nov 27th, 2017

Instructor: Dr. CK LEE

Term Project Guideline

Suggested Content of Term Project

Intro Stage 1: The nature of Opportunity

• Cover Page (1 page) • Section I: Company, Concept and
• Table of Contents (1 page) Products/Services (3-5 pages)
• Executive Summary (1-2 pages) • Section II: Market Analysis (3-5 pages)
• Section III: Economics of the Business (1-2 pages)

Stage 2: Operations & Implementations Appendices

• Section IV: Operation: Production, Channel, Key
Partners (1- 2 pages)
• Section V: Risk & Assumption (1-2 pages)

Term Project Guideline

Cover Page

* Company Logo, Name, & Tagline

XXX XXX * Team members’ Names

Term Project Guideline

Table of Contents

* Company Logo.
- Name, & Tagline (Option)

* Main Body

* Appendices

Term Project Guideline

Executive Summary

1. Problem-Opportunity Statement
-Identify the problem and your solution
Executive Summary -What forces are creating this opportunity?
-Why is the opportunity ‘right now’? The size of opportunity?
1.Problem-Opportunity Statement
2. Business Concept and Product (or Service)
2.Business Concept and Product -Show your business concept statement. (What, Who, Why,
(or Service) How)
-How it can be used? Unique Features?
3.Competitive Advantage

4.Description of Target Market 3. Competitive Advantage

-Compare your product or service compare to those of your
5.Economics competitors


Term Project Guideline

Executive Summary

4. Description of Target Market

-Define your relevant market
Executive Summary -Market size and expected growth?
-What segment and first customer?
1.Problem-Opportunity Statement

2.Business Concept and Product 5. Economics

(or Service) -The model for making money
-Margin, Volume, Cost structure
3.Competitive Advantage -Breakeven point.

4.Description of Target Market 6. Operations

-Production plan
5.Economics -Channel (How to sell)
-Key Partners (i.e., Strategic alliancing or outsourcing)

Term Project Guideline

Operations and Implementations

1. Product Production
-Describe the manufacturing process (facility info,
Section IV: Operations and manufacturing strategy (in-house or outsource)
Implementations -Describe the operations process (Input  Operation 
1.Product Production
2. Channels
2.Channels -Describe the method of distribution
-Describe how you are going to reach to customers
3.Key Partners -How will you gain access to the channel.

3. Key Partners
-Identify potential key partners (Manufacturing, Distribution,
and so on.)

Term Project Guideline

Risk & Assumption

Section V: Risk & Assumption

• Identifying and discussing the risks and
XXXX assumptions in your venture (i.e., Revenue
forecast, Development time, ability to
obtain key partners, competitor risk, cash
risk, industry risk, development risk and so

• Demonstrate how you can handle them.

Term Project Guideline


* PPT Slides * Total 6 Teams

1 minute Preparation Presentation by 3 Teams (60 minutes) 5:30 – 6:30

9-10 minutes Presentation + Break for 10 minutes

10 minutes Q&A Presentation by 3 Teams (60 minutes) 6:40 – 7:40

Selecting the best idea 7:40 – 8:00

Term Project Guideline

Rubrics for selecting the Biz Idea.

Business Plan 125

Innovation, Creativity and Originality 25 30

25 30
Market deployment feasibility
(Marketability, Buildability, Public/Market Acceptance)
30 Total 100
Financial Analysis and Documentation 25
Risk recognition and management 25

Presentation 15

Cohesiveness with the market turbine conceptual-level design 10 N/A

and executive summary

Term Project Guideline

Rubrics for selecting the Biz Idea.

    Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
(Need 4 Substantial (Need 4 Substantial (Need 4 Moderate (Need 4 Small (No impr.t
improvement) to moderate impr.t) impr.t) impr.t) Required)

1. Innovation, Creativity and Originality ( / 30)

 Clear Problem identification? 2 4 6 8 10
 Innovative solution to solve the problem? 2 4 6 8 10
 Possibility to protect the idea from competitors? 2 4 6 8 10
2. Market Deployment Feasibility ( / 30)
 Marketability (clear target market, and the size of the market)
2 4 6 8 10
 Buildability (Accessibility to the target market, the growth potential of
2 4 6 8 10
the market)
 Public/Market Acceptance (Willingness to accept the product or service
2 4 6 8 10
in the market)
3. Financial Analysis and Documentation ( / 30)
 The quality of overall economic model? 2 4 6 8 10
 The quality of Profit model? 2 4 6 8 10
 Realistic plan of meeting the break-even sales 2 4 6 8 10
4. Risk Recognition and Management ( / 5)
 Sufficient identification of risks and assumptions 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
 Appropriate response on the risks. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
5. Presentation ( / 5)
   Clear Oral/Written Communication 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
   Professional Appearance / Manner 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Total ( / 100 )

Term Project Guideline

Rubrics for selecting the Biz Idea.


Students External Advisors

(60%) (40%)

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Tel: +1 347 294 9401

E-mail: lee3ck@jmu.edu


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