Process Engineering Calculations in Cement Industry: Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site 1

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Process Engineering

Calculations in
Cement Industry

1 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Atmospheric Pressure with
Altitude from Sea Level

P (mmwg) = 10133 x e -0.0001255*h

Where h = ht. from sea level in m

2 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Conditions at NTP
Pressure = 1 atm = 1.013 x 105 N/m2

Temperature = 273 K

Air Density at NTP

Gas law PxV = nxRxT

V (Volume) = mass/density
n = mass/MW of air
R (Constant) = 8.314

3 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site


Movement of gas particle in a duct when some

external force is applied on the gas.

4 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Pitot Tube, Pressure meter, Thermocouple,
Temperature meter & Anemometer

Pitot Tube Tip Pitot Tube Pipe Connections Digital Pressure Meter

Digital Temperature Meter Anemometer

5 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Calculations

Calculation of Velocity in a duct

D.P. = Density x (Velocity)2


Velocity = C x (2 x 9.8 x D.P.)0.5


Where C = Pitot tube constant

D.P. = Difference in Pressure in mmwg
Density = Kg/m3
Velocity = m/sec

6 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Calculations

Calculation of Density

Density ρ = Density at NTP x 273 x (10120-(St.

(Kg/m3) (273+T gas) x 10336

Density at NTP in Kg/Nm3

St. Pr. in mmwg

T gas in degree C

7 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Calculations

Calculation of Flow

Flow = Velocity x Area of Duct x 3600


Area of duct (m2) = π x D2

D = Diameter of duct (m)
π = 3.14
V = m/sec

8 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Calculations

Calculation of Flow at Fan inlet for FD Fans

Flow = Velocity x Area of inlet Duct x 3600


Velocity is measured by Anemometer at Fan inlet

Area of duct = π x D2
D = Diameter of duct
π = 3.14

9 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Conversion from m3/hr to Nm3/Hr

Volumetric Flow rate = m3/hr

Mass Flow rate (Kg/Hr) = m3/hr x density (kg/m3)

Mass Flow rate (Nm3/Hr) = Mass Flow rate (Kg/hr)

Density at NTP (Kg/Nm3)

10 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flow Conversion from Nm3/hr to m3/Hr

Mass Flow rate = Nm3/hr

Mass Flow rate = Nm3/hr x density at NTP (kg/Nm3)


Volumetric Flow rate (m3/Hr) = Mass Flow rate (Kg/hr)

Density of gas (Kg/m3)

11 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Velocities in ducts

Preheater gas ducts = 16 – 18 m/sec

Tertiary air ducts = 24 – 26 m/sec

Kiln Hood = 6 m/sec

Coal conveying pipes = 35 m/sec

Venting line hood = less than 5 m/sec

12 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Composition of Air

By Volume

Oxygen (O2) = 21%

Nitrogen (N2) = 79%

By Weight

Oxygen (O2) = 23.3%

Nitrogen (N2) = 76.7%

13 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of False air in the system

False air (%) = 100 x (O2 (outlet) – O2 (inlet))

(21 - O2 (Outlet))

14 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Kiln Feed to Clinker Factor

Kiln Feed/Clinker Factor

= (1-Fuel Cons (%) x Fuel Ash (%)) x (1 + Dust Loss)

10000 100____
(1 – LOI)

15 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site


C + O2 = CO2, Heat Evolved 7829 Kcal/Kg

C + O2 = CO , Heat Evolved 2400 Kcal/Kg

H2 + 0.5 O2 = H2O, Heat Evolved 28641 Kcal/Kg

S + O2 = SO2, Heat Evolved 2213 Kcal/Kg

16 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

HFO Analysis
C 84.5 %
H 11.9 %
N 0.22 %
S 3.28 %
O 0.1 %
C.V. 9407 Kcal/Kg HFO

17 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

C + O2 = CO2
12 32 44

CO2 Produced = 44/12*0.854

= 3.098 Kg/Kg Fuel

O2 Required = 32/12*0.854
= 2.253 Kg/Kg Fuel

18 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

H2 + 0.5 O2 = H2O
2 16 18

H2O Produced = 18/2*0.119

= 1.071 Kg/Kg Fuel

O2 Required = 16/2*0.119
= 0.952 Kg/Kg Fuel

19 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

S + O2 = SO2
32 32 64

SO2 Produced = 64/32*0.0328

= 0.0656 Kg/Kg Fuel

O2 Required = 32/32*0.0328
= 0.0328 Kg/Kg Fuel

20 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

N2 Produced = 0.0022 Kg/Kg Fuel

O2 Available = 0.001 Kg/Kg Fuel

Total O2 Required for burning of Fuel

O2 for C + O2 for H + O2 for S – O2 Available

2.253 + 0.952 + 0.033 – 0.001 = 3.237 Kg/Kg Fuel

21 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Theoretical Air Requirement for
Combustion of Fuel.

O2 Required for burning of Fuel = 3.237 Kg/Kg Fuel

Corresponding air = 3.237/ 0.233

= 13.892 Kg/Kg Fuel

= 13.892/1.293

= 10.745 Nm3/Kg Fuel

22 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Combustion Gases from Fuel

Total Combustion Gases Produced from Combustion of Fuel

CO2 from C + H2O from H + SO2 from S + N2 + Excess O2

= 3.098 + 1.071 + 0.0656 + 0.0022

= 4.2368 Kg Combustion/Kg Fuel.

23 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Calculation of Specific Heat Consumption
Clinker Production = 9000 TPD
= 375 TPH
Kiln Fuel Consumption = 11200 Kg/Hr
Pyro-1 Fuel Consumption = 10800 Liter/Hr
= 9720 Kg/Hr
Pyro-2 Fuel Consumption = 10600 Liter/Hr
= 9540 Kg/Hr
Total Fuel Consumption = 30460 Kg/Hr
Specific Fuel Consumption = 0.0812 Kg/Kg Clinker
Calorific Value of Fuel = 9407 Kcal/Kg Fuel

Specific Heat Consumption = 9407* 0.0812

= 763.8 Kcal/Kg Clinker

24 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Clinker Cooler Heat & Mass Balance

Tertiary Air

Kiln Cooler Exhaust

Air Hot Clinker
Clinker Cooler

Ambient Air Cooled Clinker

25 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Fan Laws
Capacity (Fan Speed)

Pressure (Fan Speed)2

Power (Fan Speed)3

Capacity (Impeller Dia.)3

Pressure (Impeller Dia.)2

Power (Impeller Dia.)5

26 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Fan Efficiency

Fan Efficiency = Theoretical Power x 100

Shaft Power

Fan Theoretical Power (KW) =

Flow (m3/sec) x Pressure (mmwg)

Actual Power =
√3 x Voltage (Volts) x Current (Amps) x Power Factor

Shaft Power = Actual Power x Motor Efficiency

27 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Kiln & Cooler Loading

Kiln Volumetric Loading = Kiln Output (TPD)________

Kiln Effective Volume (m3)

Kiln Effective Volume =

π x (Kiln effective Dia.)2 x Kiln Length


Norms = 5.5 -6.0 TPD/m3

28 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Kiln & Cooler Loading

Kiln Thermal Loading (Million Kcal/hr/m2) =

Kiln O/P (TPD) x Kiln Fuel (%) x Heat Consumption x 10

24 x Kiln effective cross sectional area

Kiln Effective cross sectional area =

π x (Kiln effective Dia.)2


Norms = 5.5 -6.0 Million Kcal/hr/m2

29 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Kiln & Cooler Loading

Clinker Cooler Loading (TPD/m2)

= Kiln Output (TPD)

Cooler grate area (m2)

Norms = 60 TPD/m2

30 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Degree of Material Filling in Kiln

Residence time of material in kiln (min) :-

= 11.4 x Kiln Length (m)________________

Kiln RPM x 60 x (Kiln Effective Dia.) x Kiln Slope (m/m)

Degree of material filling :-

= Clinker (Kg/Hr) x KF/Clk. Factor x R. Time (min) x 100

BD of KF (Kg/m3) x 60 x Kiln Vol. (m3)

Norms :- 12 – 14 %

31 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Flame Momentum

Flame momentum is mixing of fuel with primary air & secondary

air for better combustion of fuel.

Flame momentum :- % of primary air x Tip velocity (m/sec)

Unit of flame momentum :- %. m/sec

:- N/MW (European standard)

Norms :- 1400 – 1450 %.m/sec

5.0 – 5.5 N/MW

32 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

Thank You

33 Feb 17, 2022 ACC Yanbu Site

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